
The Truth About Your Image

  • by Lynnette Begue-Lavery
  • 5 Years ago
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The Truth About Your Image

You never get a second chance to make a first impression and actually that isn’t just the first meeting, it’s every time! Are you leaving the impression you think you are?  You’ve heard the old saying a picture is worth a thousand words, right?  Did you know that 93% of your image is nonverbal?  Your visual presence matters because it is always communicating something about you.  But in addition to your outer appearance, your demeanor, body language, posture, handshake, and eye contact are all nonverbals that also speak volumes!  It all matters!  So how can you ensure that people access you accurately and that you make yourself memorable when attending events or meetings?

  1. Be intentional. No matter the occasion, an interview, client meeting, dinner engagement, or networking event, learn as much as you can about where, who, and why you are meeting. This allows you to be prepared and confident, dressed appropriately for the occasion and aware of the kind of energy you need. When there, express genuine interest and be fully present, ask questions and learn more, to give more.
  2. Be authentic and aware of your body language. People can intuitively feel when someone is being fake.  Stand or sit up straight – there is a reason your mom told you to do this, it conveys confidence.  If you are uncomfortable, it’s okay to acknowledge it.  Perhaps something as simple as “this is my first time here.”  The most important body language is smiling, so smile and be approachable.
  3. Be memorable. People don’t care what you have to say until they know how much you care.  Make everyone feel important.  Create magical, memorable moments or create a memorable experience by being engaging and genuinely interested in them.
  4. Check your attitude. If you are having a bad day, not feeling well, upset or worrying, you can be sure that it shows in your facial expressions and/or your body language even if you think you are masking it. Pay close attention to be sure that your body language is congruent with what you are saying.  You might try some uplifting music, meditation or breathing exercises right before entering the meeting or in the worst case, consider whether you should reschedule.
  5. Personal emotional management. When we manage our emotions, we are able to have more awareness and discernment about the messages we are conveying.  When we do this, our ability to be objective and resilient become an asset rather than our emotions being a detriment.

Since you are your own personal brand, your image matters.  You can learn how others see you by learning more about your personal style.  Start by taking this short, fun quiz at www.uniquelyyourimage.com .  What are you doing to make yourself memorable?

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