
Make Your Best Impression in 17 Seconds This Holiday Season

  • by Lynnette Begue-Lavery
  • 4 Years ago
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Make Your Best Impression in 17 Seconds

Did you know that within the first seven to seventeen seconds of meeting someone, they have begun to form an opinion about you?  And that 55% of those opinions are based solely on your appearance!?  It’s like the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words and it’s my mission and passion to help you make sure your first 1000 words are your personal best.

It’s true, people make decisions based on their own perceptions. However, your image matters more because of how it makes you feel rather than what other people think!  So how do we put ourselves first in the mix of an already busy, sometimes crazy and exhausting schedule?  By keeping it simple and keeping it real!  The fact is that unless you take care of yourself, you can’t take care of anyone or anything else; or at least it’s not to your best ability.

As we enter the holiday season, where you may be meeting new people and seeing old acquaintances, keep in mind these five tips to be your best and make the most significant impact in 17 seconds:

First, monitor your mindset. We may not always choose how we feel, but we can choose our thoughts! They are powerful!  Choose to focus your thoughts on the positive, including your best features. What you do best and with ease.  Don’t think you have to be great at everything. We weren’t designed that way!  Just be authentic, this gives you an intrinsic confidence.  Give yourself some grace, don’t compare and you will project your inner beauty.

Color your world!  Color is a powerful element.  It can change the atmosphere in a room and likewise can change your mood.  Colors you wear have a powerful effect on you and the image you project.  Be careful to choose colors or prints that won’t overpower you.

Focus on your skin. The first thing that shows stress and our age is our skin.  Did you know that your skin is the largest organ and is made up of 64% water?  So you guessed it, hydration if key!  Winter can take its toll on our skin and is always a great time to reevaluate your routine and products.  What worked the other seasons may not be your best choice for winter.

Give yourself a lift with these simple tricks that take less than five minutes.  Focus on your eyebrows.  They frame your eyes like your hair frames your face, so give them a boost with a little liner and brow tint.  Secondly, touch up your eyes with little concealer.  Simply by lightening your eye area, under your eyes and your eyelids, your face will appear brighter and younger. Apply a light moisture rich foundation, and finish with a subtle lip color.  If you are feeling bold, add some color. Keep in mind that as we age, softer colors will give us a more youthful appearance.

And finally, smile.  You will be surprised by the reception you receive when you simply smile.  The joy you spread is the joy you receive.  Reduce stress with laughter; enjoy the ones you love.  Be authentic, choosing to make a connection rather than an impression.

Wishing you an impressionable holiday season.

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