
The Power of the Mind

  • by Jack Klemeyer
  • 4 Years ago
  • Comments Off
The Power of the Mind

Have you ever had one of those mornings… you wake up late and your car won’t start? You call your best friend to give you a ride to work, but he doesn’t answer his phone. Slightly panicked, you call your boss to let her know your predicament, only to hear‚ “Figure out your problem soon, since we need you here at work.”

What do you do when you awaken to find negative things, reoccurring in your life? How does it affect you? If you’re like many people, you probably feel that the world is tumbling down on your shoulders. At least, at those times, when the yogurt hits the fan, it certainly seems true.

What do you think would have happened instead if you woke up that morning and said, “I have the power and today is going to be the best day of my life!”

This affirmative statement alone can make your day go differently. I’m not talking about any kind of superpower or supernatural power to stop things from occurring. I’m talking about how we respond to seemingly unsettling situations. It’s been proven, if we develop a powerful, positive state of mind as a matter of habit, we are more prepared for those crappy days.

Our positive attitude allows us to better navigate the many obstacles that we encounter in our lives. By developing a positive attitude at the onset, we can take control of our lives despite the negative occurrences that inevitably interrupt our planned day.

A positive mind will prepare us to respond more resourcefully, which will mitigate the impact when an unplanned or negative situation attempts to move in and slow our pace. Despite the problems that arise, a positive thinker will stay in control of his or her life regardless of those unforeseen occurrences.

By developing a positive mind, with a positive attitude, we experience growth and enhancement of ourselves. Developing a positive attitude moves us to become more constructive people; ultimately giving us the power to take control of our lives when troubles come our way. We see life in a broader, better spectrum once a positive attitude is developed.

A positive outlook hinders the occurrences of pessimistic thoughts in life. Those cynical thoughts produce negative energy in a person that hampers growth and progress.

On the other hand, intentional optimistic thinking builds stamina to stay the course when life’s situations attempt to drag us down.  We all need that stamina created by an optimistic outlook when dealing with pessimistic actions or thoughts. We can do this with willpower which develops a habit and the habit becomes self-discipline.

Try it, it’s easier to resolve problems when you stay positive and focused. You build your mental power, your willpower, with physical exercise, intentional thinking and gratitude. When you build willpower, you build stamina, which ultimately, gives you that power to remain in control your actions and emotional responses versus them controlling you.

Take some time to journal what you are grateful for in your life and cultivate a positive mental attitude.

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