
To Your Success

  • by Joan Washburn
  • 4 Years ago
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To Your Success

“Success is consistently doing what you said you would do with clarity, focus, ease and grace.”

-Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.

Imagine – what would your life be like? What could you accomplish by “consistently doing what you said you would do with clarity, focus, ease and grace”?

Learning to live by this simple statement has been one the biggest contributors to my own personal achievement and happiness. This definition covers everyone, regardless of what your goals are – big or small, personal or professional.  It’s so simple and yet all-encompassing.  Let’s take a closer look.

CONSISTENTLY.  Think about someone you know well who is very successful. I’ll bet they are reliable, very dependable; people can count on them simply because they do what they said they would do.  Where do you sit on the “Do what you said you would do” scale?

“Most the time”, it is very important to me,

“Some of the time”, it’s not something I focus on, or

“Rarely” – I really need to work on that.

CLARITY.   I like to think of it as our internal GPS.  When you are really clear about your destination, the route to get there becomes obvious.  People who have clarity know two things.  First, they know what is important to them; and second, they know the steps they need to take to get them there.  Clarity keeps you from overcommitting, becoming overwhelmed; and getting distracted by the “shiny object” syndrome!

FOCUS.  Success takes energy and that’s where focus comes in. It’s imperative you direct your valuable energy and resources precisely where they are needed most so you can accomplish what you desire.  What you focus on is what you make happen. So focus on your destination.  Imagine the joy and satisfaction reaching that goal will bring to you and others.

EASE.  The road to success is twisting, turning, obstacles are thrown in our path, and some sections are a really high and difficult to climb.  It can wear out the most resilient of us.  How do we reach our goals with ease?   By keeping it simple.not making it harder than it needs to be. Just take the next step on your path.

GRACE. The definition of grace is refined movement. Imagine succeeding with a sense of simple elegance and kindness, with dignity and honor?  You can and here is how:  The doorway to grace is gratitude.  Practice gratitude for even the smallest results.  Don’t wait until you reach your goal.  Allow yourself to be truly grateful for all the progress you make along the way.

QUICK TIP:  Spend some quiet time imagining what could you accomplish by “consistently doing what you said you would do with clarity, focus, ease and grace”? 

This article is an excerpt from Joan’s best-selling book, You’re Busy. I Get It. Quick Tips to Accomplish More with Less Stress.  Available on Amazon and at www.joanwashburn.com.


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