
Sales And Marketing Are Not The Same Thing

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Sales And Marketing Are Not The Same Thing

Your marketing isn’t going to compel someone to buy. It doesn’t matter what your messaging is. Marketing and selling are two different things.

Marketing is about building awareness and gaining exposure for your product or service. It requires a target audience, a message for that audience that gets them to do something. However, that something isn’t necessarily to buy your offering. If you back up, your marketing message should get someone to click on a link, attend an event, check out a new product, visit your website.

Yes, they might buy something once they do that thing. But, relying on your marketing alone to drive sales is not going to get you what you want.

You still have to participate in a selling process. That process includes identifying a target market, determining how you are going to engage in outreach, and prospecting toward that market in order to gain the meeting. Once you are in the meeting you will ask all of the questions you can to uncover their need as well as their way of being. If there is a match, they will buy from you.

You have to engage in both activities, and they should work in concert with each other. You just can’t expect your marketing to do all of the work for you. Yes, sales IS something you have to do! The good news is that it doesn’t have to be awful or difficult. Frankly, if it is, you are probably doing it wrong.

Embrace marketing for what it is – an opportunity to remain in front of your audience so you are top of mind when they are ready to buy. And embrace sales for what it is – a process to get a meeting with your prospect so you can discover if there’s an opportunity.

If you’re confused or concerned, don’t be. Just reach out to me at diane@seizethisday.co and we’ll work on it together. Believe me, it really is something you can do well. And remember to seize THIS day.


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