
Natural Cleansing with Essential Oils

  • by Deb Reis
  • 4 Years ago
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Natural Cleansing with Essential Oils

There is more and more awareness about internal cleansing and the benefits to our body, especially our immune system.  You may be interested in cleansing, but with so many cleanses on the market, it can be a bit scary.

As we move from one season to another, it is a great reminder of the opportunity to do an internal cleanse.  We see Mother Nature purging out the old in order to make room for the new blooms of spring.  Our systems are similar.  We really should take an awareness of how our mind, body and spirit are functioning – what we need to clear in order to make room for the new blossoms of our life.

There are many types of cleanses from fasting to juicing to specific foods.  And, they probably do have their benefits.  Years ago, I went through a reaction in my system that was related to a toxicity build up, probably as a result of exposure to toxins in solvents and detergents that were in my job.  I knew I needed to clear and cleanse my system but was not sure how to proceed.

I met with an expert in the aromatherapy field who gave me these key points for cleansing:

  1. Drink organic juices to support the body and help to clear the liver
  2. Drink distilled water to help absorb and eliminate toxins from your system
  3. Eat wolfberries or dried gogi berries which are a food high in antioxidants
  4. Use enzymes to aid in cleansing the liver
  5. Use essential oils to help support and cleanse the liver

Some essential oils to consider include:

Geranium – dilute over liver area and/or inhale to enhance liver function.

Rosemary – inhale or rub on the soles of the feet to aid in liver protection.

Lemon – to cleanse and support the liver.

Use Sesame Seed Oil as a base for your essential oils.  This carrier oil is rich in antioxidants and penetrates the skin.

These are a few ways to get started on getting your system clear and balanced as you move into the next season.  For more information or a consultation, please visit my website.


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