

  • by Lynnette Begue-Lavery
  • 4 Years ago
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As we head into a new season, are you ready for a change?  I love the changing seasons because it’s always a reminder that if we aren’t changing, we get left behind!  Most of us don’t like change, or perhaps are just slow to change; but change is inevitable, and it keeps us from getting stagnant.

No matter our age, 17, 70 or anything in between, we can all make changes to feel more confident, vibrant, energized and beautiful. So what can we do to make sure we maintain our confidence and feel great in our own skin?

When it comes to our wardrobe, there are lots of choices we can make to be sure our clothes aren’t leaving us behind or aging us. Such as, discarding favorites when they get worn out or consistently wearing our best color. There are daily choices we make to also keep us physically and mentally active along with choosing the right anti-aging products for our skin.

But the true secret to growing through change and anti-aging starts in our own mind. No amount of creams, serums, or clothes will change what you think!  All of us have a subconscious blueprint or a belief about change. About how long we’ll live and how we will age both physically and mentally.  Do you have a growth mindset that embraces change?

The good news is that YOU choose your thoughts. Since our beauty is reflected from the inside, the most critical factor to learning what works well for you, is understanding your energy!  Develop a mindset and attitude that positively reflects your unique gifts and energy.  Focus your thoughts on the things you do with ease and grace, this is your innate energy. Develop your personal brand and style that creates synergy by aligning that innate energy, with your wardrobe and your mindset.  For example, if you are someone with a very strong personality, then most likely your best colors are going to be strong rich colors, instead of a soft pastel with a very soft energy.

Glow your brand by remaining positive, focusing on what comes naturally to you and brings you joy.  Refuse to engage in “old” talk, even jokingly!  Continue to work on the obvious while choosing not to commiserate with friends about all that is wrong.  Stop telling yourself you are having a ‘senior moment.’  It is far better to give yourself some grace about something you’ve forgotten, than to plant the thought that this is inevitable.  You can choose to be stagnant or to grow gracefully through change.   All it takes is a different mindset!  Now is the perfect time to give your personal brand a boost by discovering your LIFEStyle™ energy.  Start with this free, easy quiz to get you started http://uniquelyyourimage.com/life-style-quiz/   Make this season your best!

“The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” Socrates

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