
Lisa Manyon Explains the ‘CHALLENGE. SOLUTION. INVITATION™’ Framework We Can Use to Soar to Success

  • by Pat
  • 3 Years ago
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Lisa Manyon, Business Marketing Architect and President of Write On Creative® was my guest on this Soar to Success podcast. She pioneered the values-based “Challenge. Solution. Invitation.™” communication framework to help others create marketing messages with integrity, focusing on PASSION points.  She explained the framework to us in this podcast.

Her “Challenge, Solution, Invitation™” Framework makes it easy to make a sale, because as Lisa shared, sales are really all about building relationships. She believes that’s one of the missing pieces that many people have in their sales pitches and their marketing message, because they’re taught to sell, sell, sell. However, when you apply the “Challenge, Solution, Invitation™” Framework properly, then you can easily take any pain out of the sales process.

She explained the framework as follows:

Challenge: You need to understand your clients challenges, need to know where they are, but meet them with empathy and understanding; you don’t have to poke at the pain points. Lisa commented that people don’t buy when they are agitated.

Solution: You own your magic and are really clear about how you can help, including your value proposition. That means you know, results, case studies, stories, antidotes, and can illustrate how you can make their life a better place. This is where PASSION Points are amplified as well, by painting a picture possibility instead of just poking at pain points.

Invitation: When you’re really solid in your value proposition and your PASSION Points, then all you have to do is extend a friendly invitation and say, “Hey, are you ready to take the next step?” And it can be that easy, according to Lisa!

Lisa Manyon is the Business Marketing Architect and President of Write On Creative®. She pioneered the values-based “Challenge. Solution. Invitation.™” communication framework to create marketing messages with integrity, focusing on PASSION points. Her strategies are known to create million-dollar results, and she is dedicated to reverse engineering your most powerful solutions into profitable revenue streams. Her philosophies are featured in Inc. Magazine and multiple#1 Bestselling books including Wonder Women: How Western Women Will Save the World. Recipient of the People’s Choice Award at the California Women’s Conference, Lisa has created training for Small Business Development Centers and is available for speaking and training engagements. She offers custom coaching, consulting, and copywriting training.  She’s also a #1 international bestselling author and award-winning speaker available to teach, train, and transform your audience with interactive Business Breakthrough Boutiques. Visit  www.WriteOnCreative.com to access business-building resources.

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