
Gain a Competitive Edge Online

  • by Gail
  • 3 Years ago
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Gain a Competitive Edge Online

When you employ good marketing tactics, directed by a solid strategy, you will make more sales.

Without a doubt, every business should have some type of marketing strategy that will work to connect with a target audience at the right place and right time. The opportunity has never been greater to get visibility and exposure for your brand in the online world.

It’s easy to go on a virtual world tour to showcase your brand and get connected to new audiences through virtual networking events, webinars, online conferences and the like.

Marketing Overwhelm

The reality is that most business owners have too many marketing options to choose from and not enough time or expertise to implement them, and as a result, their sales suffer.

The Internet is an amazing, global marketplace. It can absolutely magnify, amplify, and connect you to a wider audience, enabling your brand to be seen – when done right.

But, when not done with a solid strategy, it can have the opposite effect and send you into a vacuum of non-existence. And that’s why we have to keep reinventing, redoing and recreating new content regularly. This becomes exhausting and inefficient for the business owner and becomes outright confusing to the audience. All too often the content being shared online is too generic, too promotional, and very inconsistent.

A confused person doesn’t buy.

Qualified buyers need clear, consistent, credible content, and a brand message that attracts them, piques their interest, creates desire, and motivates them to take action.

Consumer Buying Model

Consumer buying models are followed regardless of your product or service, how long you’ve been in business, where you are located, or whether you are in the B2B or B2C space.

It’s a proven process that all consumers go through.

One such model is called AIDA, which is an acronym for Attraction, Interest, Desire, Action.

This is a blueprint that marketers use to help consumers pass through the purchasing funnel. It shows the stages that an individual goes through during the process of purchasing a product.

This is a process used to build sales momentum. Sales momentum gives your brand the opportunity to grow and prosper. You will add more customers, leads, expand your influence and convert more sales by mapping the appropriate marketing activity to each stage of the AIDA buying model.

It’s important to take the time to plan out your strategy, so you can be intentional with implementing your activities, in order to get traction with your marketing and make more sales.

Raise Your Visibility

To learn more about how you can use the AIDA model in your business, we invite you to watch our on-demand masterclass to Easily Build Your Brand and Quickly Raise your Visibility to Gain a Competitive Edge Online In this training, we will explore a more in-depth understanding of the model with accompanying strategies you can implement today, to move your business into sales momentum.

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