
The High Cost of Low Visibility

  • by Pat
  • 3 Years ago
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Are You a Secret?

It could be any day of the week. You rise and it begins. While you seek to gain more business and secure new clients, you know that it will take visibility, and so you set off to be everywhere. You hustle and grind to be here and there, on this platform and that. Posts and lives, stories and memes, blog posts and podcasts, working hard to secure your place to be seen.

But what if there’s another way? What if it didn’t take hustle and you could leave the grind behind? What if instead of being everywhere and going wider, you decided to be strategically in a few places and go deeper? What changes might that strategy and approach bring?

What if, instead of being a platform puddle-jumper, you mastered your visibility by:

  • Positioning yourself as a trusted guide and thought leader.
  • Aligning your message to the needs of your tribe, your signature work and the transformation you offer.
  • Understanding that it’s more about being found that being seen.

Visibility is so much more than just showing up. Anyone can do that. The are many low and no cost ways to be seen. To be found, comes at a higher price. There is more at stake because the focus shifts from us and is other-centered.

There is also the flipside of all of this. Low or no visibility, and the cost is even higher. It could be you don’t feel ready, you’re still in process and things aren’t lined up and perfect yet. Here’s what I know—you must be willing to be vulnerable and take imperfect action now.

If your clients and tribe can’t find you, how will they work with you. There is nothing gained by watching from the sidelines, being a voyeur. Instead, it’s time to be courageous, share your gifts and wisdom as you offer value. Your willingness for greater visibility leads to validation of your expertise. It bolsters trust and builds bridges from them to you and the solutions and transformation you can provide.

So, ask yourself if you’re paying too high a price for trying to be everywhere or not being anywhere. Instead, you can decide to be strategically somewhere, in those places of wholehearted alignment with those you serve, the work you do and the transformation you bring.

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