
Essential Tips to Help MSPs Protect Customers from Cloud Ransomware Attacks

  • by Jeanne DeWitt
  • 3 Years ago
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Essential Tips to Help MSPs Protect Customers from Cloud Ransomware Attacks

With more and more businesses moving day-to-day operations to the cloud, MSPs must take steps to protect clients from dangerous cloud ransomware attacks. With experts predicting a ransomware attack every 11 seconds in 2021, cloud ransomware continues to threaten businesses of all sizes across all industries.

This staggering statistic highlights the urgent need for MSPs to provide their customers with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect themselves from these costly, harmful attacks. Check out the following tips for MSPs to protect customers from cloud ransomware attacks in today’s increasingly digital world.

How Ransomware Infiltrates the Cloud

Ransomware often reaches the cloud after first infecting a local computer. From the local machine, the ransomware infiltrates a file sharing service synced to the cloud. The malicious process encrypts the files on the compromised machine, and then spreads the corrupted files to the cloud.

This type of attack can put your customers’ networks at great risk. Once the infection spreads to the cloud, it can compromise the organization’s entire cloud-sharing system. Then, the ransomware might spread across the network, infecting other connected machines. If the ransomware reaches files that have not been backed up, your clients might be forced to pay the ransom.

What is RansomCloud?

RansomCloud, a new spin on Ransomware, targets cloud-based email services like Office 365. Threat actors use phishing emails to gain access to email accounts. Phishing emails often look like legitimate emails, tricking your clients into clicking on files that corrupt their systems or provide attackers with access to the account.

Once attackers gain access to an email account, they can use ransomware to encrypt your clients’ email messages and demand a ransom. Additionally, threat actors often use email accounts to launch new attacks, impersonate the account owner, scam the family members of the owner, and spread malware to the victim’s contacts.

How MSPs Can Protect Customers

There are several strategies that MSPs can employ to protect their customers from cloud ransomware attacks. Here are some of the most effective protective measures:

  • Encourage customers to use a next-generation antivirus that’s capable of defending against ransomware and protecting local files.
  • Continuously update clients’ operating systems (OS) using recent security patches.
  • Leverage web filtering services to block infected websites.
  • Immediately disconnect clients’ infected devices and systems from Internet networks.
  • Provide customers with backup and disaster recovery strategies.
  • Offer customer training to identify common signs of a ransomware attack.

These versatile solutions allow MSPs to limit the negative impact of cloud ransomware attacks for customers.

CPU, Inc. Provides MSPs With High-Security Cloud Solutions

With over 35 years of valuable experience delivering impeccable cloud services to MSPs just like you, Cloud Services for MSPs is ready to protect your customers from cloud ransomware attacks. Our skilled team offers a wide range of high-quality, white glove services that leave both you and your customers satisfied. Give us a call today.

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