
Are You In Coherence, or Are You Incoherent?

  • by Pat
  • 4 Years ago
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Are You In Coherence, or Are You Incoherent?

Do you ever find yourself in a position where you don’t understand why you keep getting the same-old-same-old-same-old cr*p?

You keep getting the same results again and again, no matter what you seem to do?

Perhaps it’s because you are stuck in the psychocybernetic loop.

I know, I know, you are probably thinking that sounds like a whole load of gobbledegook. But let me break it down for you.

A cybernetic loop is a simple feedback loop, a self-regulatory system which captures the flow of a particular system. You are in an environment and feedback will modulate the loop. A simple example would be your thermostat. A temperature is set. The temperature is detected and when the temperature changes the heater of air conditioning turns on or off, so the temperature is restored to the initial temperature setting, either raising or dropping the temperature.

A psychocybernetic loop is our own internal feedback loop and regulates the connection between what you think and what you do.

What you believe causes you to think certain things. What you think creates feelings. In turn, your feelings create words and actions. These actions create results – you behavior in the world. And finally, your results reinforce your beliefs.

Simply put:

Beliefs → Thoughts → Feelings → Words & Actions → Results → Beliefs

This loop can get stuck, a self-fulfilling prophecy if you will, where you are incapable of breaking out of this cycle.

However, when you know this, when you truly understand that you are driven by your beliefs you have the power to interrupt this psychocybernetic loop.

Awareness is the first step, right?

The second piece is to understand that your beliefs are decisions you have made. That is simply it. I know, I know. It sounds simple, but again – awareness is key. The point is to realize that you have the power! When you recognize that your beliefs are decisions, and you know that decisions can be changed, voila – you have the power to change that loop, and ultimately change your outcomes!

So my friends. Where are your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words & actions in coherence?

And, where are they incoherent?

My favorite definition of coherence is: “the quality of forming a unified whole.”

Where are your thoughts in alignment with your actions? And where are they not?

Where are your thoughts in alignment with your words? And where are they not?

Where are your actions and words incoherent?

Aim to get yourself into COHERENCE, so you are operating from a place of a unified whole. Why? Life is easier that way, there is more flow and your results will reflect your new and upgraded beliefs, AKA decisions you have made about yourself and the world in which you operate.


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