
A Time-Management Tip

  • by Joan Washburn
  • 3 Years ago
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A Time-Management Tip

Clock faces, calendars and diary

“This is the key to time management – to see the value of every moment.”

                                                              -Menachem Mendel Schneerson

As a Coach the two main reasons people give me for not doing that thing they’ve been wanting to do for a long time are:  “I don’t have the time” or “I don’t have the money”.

Regarding Money – it touches everything and I can’t cover it in a page.  However, I can recommend a wonderful book, The Energy of Money, by Dr. Maria Nemeth.  It will transform the way you look at money as well as a lot of other valuable things.

Today I want to focus on the one thing we all have the exact same amount of – TIME.   All of us have 1,440 minutes of time each day.

Someone once said that God invented time to keep everything from happening at once.

In fact, humans invented time to help bring order, meaning and understanding to their unique existence. But often we lose that order, meaning and understanding in a flurry of constant activity.

We wear ourselves out running from the moment we get up until we fall into bed exhausted.  Our time is spent working and taking care of others.  Or, if we have an extra 10 minutes, we waste it on mindless activities like checking newsfeeds and social media.

Now, I understand the need to unwind and relax.  I too have my favorite TV shows.  However, let me ask you a question – What would you do- that you are not doing now- if you had all the time in the world?  What would you do different?

Spend more time with a loved one?   Play an instrument?  Learn a language?  Write a book?  Play with your dog!

Maybe it’s something you used to really love doing, but now you just don’t have the time?

Let’s look –

Spending just ten minutes a day for one year toward something you would truly love to accomplish equals, 60 hours, the equivalent of a college course.  Imagine consistently spending 70 minutes a week / 60 hours a year, on something meaningful to you.

Please don’t misunderstand me – I am not recommending you jam every 10 minute interval with something “productive”.  This can easily lead to that frenzy of activity I mentioned earlier.

So here’s my QUICK TIP:  Think of that thing you’ve always wanted to accomplish, but haven’t had (or never found) the time to pursue.  Now, schedule a minimum of 10 minutes in your day to put toward this fun, meaningful thing.

Imagine – a little over an hour a week, just for you.


This article is an excerpt from Joan’s best-selling book, You’re Busy. I Get It. Quick Tips to Accomplish More with Less Stress.  Available on Amazon and at www.joanwashburn.com.

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