
The Most Effective Way to Overcome Doubt

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Overcome Doubt

If I told you there was one thing you could do that had the potential to change any challenge you faced, to overcome any self-doubt, would you want to know what it is?

Harv Ekert says “nothing has meaning except the meaning we give it.”  That’s a powerful thought that has the potential to create a huge paradigm shift in our thinking.   Everything has a meaning and in most cases our meanings are programmed by our culture, our family, our heritage, the people around us and our personal experiences, of course.  But the real truth is, it’s all subjective.

Imagine that you are in the ocean and you are a poor swimmer.  Behind you is a huge wave.  Are you thinking what an exciting and fun wave? No!  You’re downright scared!  Now imagine you are an experienced surfer and the same wave comes up behind you.  Your reaction may be more like cool, let’s ride!  Did the wave change? No, it was just the meaning that was given to it.

As children we’re taught how to think and act about everything and this becomes our conditioning. It runs the rest of our lives unless we intercede and revise those beliefs and meanings.  This conditioning happens three ways. First, is verbal programming.  What did you hear growing up?  Next, is what was modeled for you as a child? You’ve heard the adage monkey see – monkey do. Third, are your specific experiences. Unless we become aware of our subconscious programming (our blueprint) and change the meaning we give things, we change nothing. Or if we do, it’s temporary at best. I’m sure you’ve experienced this on some level, perhaps with a new year’s resolution.

Our subconscious blueprint shows up in all areas of our life. Typically, the easiest areas to recognize it is in the area of financial wealth.  Perhaps you heard things growing up like, “Money doesn’t grow on trees … do I look like I’m made of money…a penny saved is a penny earned…The more you make, the more they take …money doesn’t buy happiness.”  You get the idea and maybe you have some of your own to add to this list.

What about your image? What is your subconscious blueprint when it comes to your image?  What did you hear growing up? What was modeled for you, and what has been your experience?  Do you have positive thoughts about your body image? What do you believe now?  Do those beliefs line up with your values? Do you know that you were wonderfully made?  Are you confident about your wardrobe decisions?

Take time to revise your blueprint and make sure it is set for success!  Start by taking inventory of your assets and your gifts. Make a list of all the things you heard growing up and revise and rewrite them if necessary. Create positive affirmations.  What was modeled for you?  Did your mother take time for herself?  Did she teach you skin care or cosmetics?  Is this a skill you need to learn?  If you want to change the visible you must first change the invisible– your subconscious blueprint.  If you want to improve your image, you must look at your subconscious blueprint, because beauty starts within.

What is that one thing you can do to make a paradigm shift in your thinking?  Ask yourself, what meaning am I giving this and make sure your subconscious blueprint is set for success!  If you need help defining your image, start with my LIFEStyle energy assessment.  Email lynnette@uniquelyyourimage.com for your free consultation.

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