
Relaxation Therapies to Calm Your Chaos

  • by Deb Reis
  • 3 Years ago
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Relaxation Therapies to Calm Your Chaos

Calm attractive woman feeling relaxed in office home, peaceful mindful businesswoman leaning back on chair with eyes closed, meditating at work, taking deep breath to relax, no stress at workplace

Stress is a high intensity feeling but has a low frequency in your body. When your frequency is low, it sets you up for health challenges. You can learn how to do quick relaxation techniques in 5 minutes or less bringing you back to peace and balance.

You know what stress is, how it feels and that it can cause physical and emotional challenges. So, why do we allow it to consume us?

Well, it is easy to share about stress but challenging to do self-care when you are so busy juggling family, home life, job stress plus your own self-care. Unfortunately, when we get overwhelmed, our self-care activities are the first to be let go. There are other priorities, responsibilities and interruptions as well as not enough time to focus on our own self-care.

When you feel energetically depleted or maybe even burned out, you can be set up for health challenges. Often, stress is unavoidable. It can be a challenge to even remember self-care let alone to do a relaxation intervention.  However, if you do not do something to bring balance to yourself then you are not able to be your best in service to others.

I explored supportive therapies including relaxation therapies. I realized that busy professionals needed these therapies quickly and effectively.  You need support for your self-care that is quick and effective to calm the chaos and replenish your energy reserves in 5 minutes or less. Yes, it is possible.

Let’s do a quick breath technique that can help you settle your mind and relax your body in 5 minutes or less.  This is called the Modified Jacobson’s Technique.  Begin by getting relaxed in your place.  Bring your awareness to your breath. Allow your breath to come in through your nose to a count of 3 or 4 and breathe out through your mouth to the same count. Keep your lips parted to relax your jaw, neck and the rest of your body will follow.

I have done this technique for myself when I needed to focus to settle my stress level down even during a dental procedure!

We have used this technique in the clinical setting with people who may be anxious or claustrophobic during a procedure. It can give quick relaxation and prevent costly delays and rescheduling. In addition, it gives the person a tool to use to manage their stress so they have some control over their situation.

I hope you find this tip helpful and easy to calm the chaos within and around you.

For more information, check out my free video series – Calm Your Chaos in 5 minutes or less at the link below.



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