
One Easy Way to Have More Time in Your Life

  • by Kris Thaller
  • 4 Years ago
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One Easy Way to Have More Time in Your Life

Do you find yourself thinking if I just had more time? You can make that happen.

We all have the same amount of time. We might not have the same amount of money, but we do have the same amount of time. We each have 1,440 minutes of time each day. Not having enough time is the primary reason my clients give for not doing something they really want to do. Tell the Truth, how many times have you said the same thing. I just don’t have enough time.

Here’s my first Tip. Successful people have learned how to use small windows of time to their advantage. Just ten minutes a day doing something meaningful equals 60 hours, that’s the equivalent of a taking a college course or writing a book in a year. Imagine spending that kind of time doing something meaningful,10 minutes a day.

I had a client who had a Life’s Intention to be an artist. He loved painting watercolors but hadn’t done one for several years. He was a busy professional with a family and a thriving business. He was intrigued by the idea of 10 minutes at a time. He decided to create a goal worth playing for. He promised to complete a watercolor by the end of the month using ten minutes a day as his action plan.  By the end of the month he not only had one watercolor but two! Plus, his little boy had joined him in his makeshift studio in the garage to be with his Dad. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Here’s my next tip. Time is just one of the 6 forms of Energy that we have at our command. You have 5 other forms of energy to use that most people aren’t aware of. The Energy of Money, Physical Vitality, Creativity, Enjoyment and Relationship. When you aren’t tapping into these 5 additional forms it creates a lot of exhaustion for you.

If you’d like to learn how to use all 6 forms of Energy sign up for my “Energy Efficiency Quick Start Course.” You can find it here.

Working effectively and efficiently with all 6 forms of energy supports you to use your energy like a laser beam so you can produce the results you want. This is the time to take action and get more out of your life! Until next month, go make it happen.

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