
Help Your Skin Look and Feel Vibrant

  • by Lynnette Begue-Lavery
  • 4 Years ago
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Help Your Skin Look and Feel Vibrant

In addition to changing your wardrobe with the changing season, it’s a great time to reevaluate your skin care needs!  Our skin covers about 18 square feet of our body. It is our largest living organ and made up of 64% water. It is one of the first things we notice about someone, or even ourselves when we look in a mirror. Not only is our skin vital to our physical wellbeing, it is also vital to our emotional wellbeing.

Those who suffer from skin ailments like rosacea, acne, psoriasis and eczema understand the emotional effect. As do those who have an abundance of freckles, a birth mark or scaring due to physical injuries.  All of these things can affect our confidence, make us feel depressed or self-conscious.  Even to the point that some may limit their social life.

While we could all benefit from a boost of confidence, true beauty comes from within.  However, investing in your skin will not only boost your overall physical health, it boosts your emotional health as well.

There are so many skin care products, it’s often hard to tell which ones are the right ones for you. It can be hard to keep track of what’s old, what’s new, or what you can trust.  Deciphering can be sometimes be costly as well as time consuming or overwhelming.  The Mary Kay line can be a good option, since you can try before you buy and have a consultant to guide you.  The good news is that when you start with these basics, you’re on your way to creating the best skin care routine for you and your LIFEStyle™.

Here are some essential skin care tips:

Cleanse twice daily! Since our skin is our body’s first line of defense, the most important routine to develop is cleansing your face twice a day with a cleanser specific for your skin type and needs. Think of your skin as your filter.  While, of course, it protects all of our other organs, muscles and tissue, it also protects us from illness and disease.

Never go to bed with makeup on!  Your skin is at its peak for restoration when you are in a deep sleep. Your whole body can function more efficiently when your skin doesn’t have to fight to perform its natural function.

Exfoliate regularly! The epidermis (outer layer of skin) is constantly being replaced by new cells. However, as we age, this process slows down.  Exfoliating helps speed this process up and promotes healthy glowing skin. There are many types of exfoliating products.  You can choose a mild exfoliator found in a cleanser formula or standalone products like a charcoal mask, microderm abrasion, or a peel like revealing radiance. Regardless of which type you choose, most are intended to be used twice a week to avoid striping the natural oils from your skin.

Hydrate inside and outside!  Remember your skin is 64% water. The difference between neglected and pampered skin is incredibly noticeable.  With colder temperatures and furnaces running, your moisture is easily zapped!  Drinking water is key, so track your intake. Apply a good topical moisturizer.  For extra pampering try moisture renewing gel mask.  To relieve eye puffiness try the new Mary Kay Hydrogel Eye Patches. These pink pick-me-up patches make “me” time a treat!

Protect your skin with sunscreen!  Look for one with an SPF 30.  Whether you are protecting your skin with a sunscreen or a foundation, remember you are protecting your filter.

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