
How I Stopped Multi-Tasking

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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I have to admit that I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of single tasking when it was first introduced to it. I have been multi-tasking for years and I’m really good at it. While this is a great talent and has its usefulness, it can also lead to:

  • mental exhaustion
  • elevated cortisol
  • increased stress
  • memory loss
  • decreased productivity

If you are ready to embrace the idea of one-thing-at-a-time, here are some tips to help you get started: 

First, Plan your day

Each day, I choose three projects that I plan to work on in a day. I work on them one at a time, in whatever order I want. Whenever I have the urge to do something else, like research, check email, or socialize, I recognize that as a distraction and either ignore the thought or write it down so I remember to do it later. I have my three projects to focus on, and I continually bring myself back to my intentions.

This adjustment is going to take some time. Notice when your brain starts to get busy and just bring yourself back to the task you’re working on.

Next, Eliminate Distractions

To help myself stay focused, I’ve created ways to avoid distractions, like putting a do-not-disturb sign on my door, shutting off my phone, and blocking social media sites. I recently adjusted my email settings to send and receive emails once an hour, which reduces my distractions significantly.

Don’t be hard on yourself

The temptation to multitask is a strong one, so be easy on yourself. Personally, I think it is still ok to watch TV while you clean, listen to podcasts while you’re driving and carry the dirty laundry down the steps at the same time as you carry the trash down. But when it comes to really important things like writing a proposal, calling a client, or spending time with your loved ones, One Thing at a Time is powerful and effective. I hope you’ll give it a try.

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