
Hosting Investor Team Retreats

  • by Karen Cupp
  • 4 Years ago
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Hosting Investor Team Retreats

They say if you want to go fast…. go alone.  If you want to go far do it with the help of others.  As an investor I am creating quality affordable homes for families in my community and I realize that I could not do it without the efforts of my team.

One way a great leader could add value to their team by hosting an afternoon investor retreat.  You can connect team members, build relationships, and gather insight into how to better run your business.

Our team includes our realtor, property manager, accountant, insurance agent, and maintenance crew including contractors, handymen, painters, plumbers, lawncare and anyone else deemed important to our process.

Outline the event by setting the date, extending invitations, and creating a buzz with the potential attendees.  Prepare your presentation script and materials.  Offer incentives, for example, a discount on your coaching groups.   This is a gift you are giving them, so that they can grow as businesspeople.

Create a clear vision of what your end goal will be for your investor retreat.   This will help you communicate your intention to your participants.   If it is just appreciation…. make it about that.  If it is a retreat to get an impression on what is going well and what could be improved…. make it about that.  One example of intentional communication might be “Team, you fulfill my vision, you extend my influence, and you make me better than I am.  Your work is helping provide quality homes to families in our community.”

Will your event flow like a roundtable discussion with a facilitator or will it be more technical? What information will you provide and what input are you asking for or hoping to convey, such as:

  • How can I serve you better? How can I make your experience with me go more smoothly?
  • List your properties and develop questions for upcoming deferred maintenance items that they see (or have told you about). Listen to them.  Make an outline.  This might help you budget for these items and intentionally schedule them so that they can count on work ahead of time and fit you in.

Since this is your first attempt at this, define what you will consider a successful retreat.  One challenge might be getting everyone together.  Remember to celebrate anyone who attends and make sure they leave feeling appreciated.  Reach out to them with a follow up appreciation

Make your event memorable!  This is a beginning to building stronger business relationships.  Investing in others will greatly contribute to their success as busines people.  Remember you are more than just a person with a portfolio of rental houses.  You are building a legacy of leadership.

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