
Pace Yourself for a Healthy Life By Design

  • by Karen Cupp
  • 2 Years ago
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Pace Yourself for a Healthy Life By Design

Life by your design means you can have it all. Like a long-distance runner, it calls for learning to pace yourself. Without this pacing you will burn out and never achieve your victory. The art of pacing comes through awareness and periodic resets. I recently spent the weekend with my son in Chicago. We had lots of quality time together. However, in the moments between building great memories he shared with me how overwhelmed life seemed to be. Life can be loaded with so many opportunities that we feel compelled to take advantage of. The question is how we intentionally create the space for moments of peace.
There is a form of peace that comes from having a good and healthy pace in life. When we have bad and unhealthy routines, try to do to much at once, or set high and lofty expectations of ourselves or others, we can get ourselves into an unsustainable pace. So how do you reset yourself and reestablish this healthy pace. Think of this like a cleanse. Just as you train your children that they need to get rest to be prepared for the next day, you must enforce this same for yourself.
To find your way back to a healthy and more enjoyable pace of life, we invite you to take this journey with us to explore some tools:
Start your day totally unplugged – Move your phone and electronics out of your bedroom. Awake and spend time sitting thinking about absolutely nothing. Guard your mind and heart from worries, to do lists, or requirements. At first this may seem impossible yet after a while you will find this is the best thing you do all day. Move to making a list of things that you are grateful for. This will open your heart of all of the wonderful gift’s life has offered you.
Take walks periodically during the day. Breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine on your face. My daughter actually challenged me in this and now it is my favorite activity.
Practice a day of rest. Everyone talks about the good ole days and the wise words of your grandmother so why not find make your Sunday a day of rest.
Create boundaries for yourself. Instead of saying yes to the endless social events, work opportunities, or work assignments, stop and say yes to spending time for yourself. Be it taking a walk, reading a book or doing absolutely nothing. I have a post on my wall “say no to the good things, so that you can say yes to the best things.” Little did I realize that these best things were meant to help me say yes to creating that wonderful healthy space called peace!
Do these things to live your life by design and you’ll notice a difference.

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