
Healing Touch – Balance with Frequency

  • by Deb Reis
  • 4 Years ago
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Healing Touch – Balance with Frequency

It has been said that we are energy beings living in a physical body.  Well, science is showing evidence that this may be true.  Energy therapies such as Healing Touch can bring your energy frequency back to balance.

Everything that is alive pulsates with energy.  Scientists have developed many tools that can measure the energy of living organisms.  They can even use Kirilian photography to see the field around organic activity.  Everything that is alive has energy which can be measured in frequency or hertz.  Even the earth has an energy field.  We are comprised of energy which can be measured in our physical body and also influenced by our thoughts and emotions.

Did you know that the body maintains a certain frequency in health?  When we are stressed or dealing with an illness, our frequency level drops and we become prone to more serious conditions. Frequency of different illnesses can be measured. The concept of energy therapy such as Healing Touch is to bring harmonic resonance or balance back to the body.   In his book, Vibrational Medicine, Richard Gerber describes the frequency of living organisms as a subtle energy.

The subtle energy system is comprised of the energy fields or aura, energy centers or chakras and energy tracts or meridians.  Many supportive therapies utilize the energy system as a foundation for health and healing.  Healing Touch is one such modality that uses light touch to balance and facilitate healing in the body. This balance is facilitated by a Healing touch Practitioner using their hands on and around the body to balance the energy system.

There are hands on techniques that you can use for yourself.  One self-care tool is called Hands Still.  Begin by setting intention for your highest good.  Center with your breath or a prayer to help you focus.

Next, place your hands over the area of concern.  Feel the energy, light, or prayer/blessing flow into the area for healing and balance.  Hold this for several minutes and notice how and what you feel or sense.

In the STEP or Supportive Therapy Engagement Program, we will be going deeper into the balance of the chakras or energy centers.  You will learn a meditation to help bring balance to the chakras through movement and sound.  The STEP focus is to learn stress management tools that you can do for yourself or another in 5 minutes or less.

Check out my STEP Webinar for details on the therapies that are part of STEP membership:


Stay healthy and wise.

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