
Harmonic Resonance

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Harmonic Resonance

Everything organic has frequency.  Every atom, cell, plant and essential oil has a frequency or harmonic resonance.  When we alter that frequency, illness and disease can occur.

This frequency can be measured and evaluated. Even the earth has an electromagnetic pulse or frequency.  All of this is based on the theory of Quantum Physics.

Our language tells us about our own frequency.  We might say, we are in balance or out of balance.  Tuned in or feeling a bit off.  These phrases really describe what is going on within our body.

This is not just a theory but actually there are many studies and books written about this topic.  These three authors provide some scientific correlations to harmonic resonance. Dr. Harry Oldfield looked at the energy of plants and how that energy changes when we add pesticides and fertilizers.  Dr. James Oschman reviewed tools to measure frequency of the body.  And, Dr. Richard Gerber wrote about the subtle energy system and how this keeps everything in balance.

So, what can we do to keep ourselves finely tuned and in balance?

First, look at what you are putting in your body.  If pesticides and fertilizers deplete the energy of plants, what is it doing to our bodies?  Choose organic foods and drinks to replenish your frequency.

Next, look at what you are using on your body.  The skin is the largest organ and it will absorb toxins into your system.  So, look at skin care products that are organic.  If you can eat it, then you can use it on your skin!  I have reviewed Do It Yourself products to consider in my Elite Experts Network video series.

Finally, look at what you are cleaning with – there are many healthy options. There are chemicals in our cleaners and yard items which means you are exposing yourself and your family to more toxins. Children and pets are at greater risk.  I also discussed Do It Yourself Green Clean alternatives in past videos.

For more information, visit my website. Check out the specifics of my Online Courses to get more details on heathier options including essential oils.

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