
Developing Your Personal Real Estate Presence

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Personal Real Estate Presence

Make your reputation proceed you by developing your Professional Real Estate Business Presentation.  Unless you are willing to take a good look at who you are and what you are doing, you cannot scale your business and achieve your goals.

Up until now you may have just been collecting rental houses and apartment complexes.  But what if you wanted to expand your market and gain the attention of private investors in new markets.  What do you have that shows YOU are a qualified investor with which someone might want to partner?

Presentation is everything and first impressions are paramount.   Review the following components and use them to develop your professional image.

  1. What is your personal investment philosophy?
    1. What types of holdings do you prefer (single family, multifamily, or commercial)?
    2. What is your primary objective for the investment (spendable cash flow today or long-term equity growth?
    3. What kind of markets (geographic and demographic) are you most comfortable with? Can you handle the stress of low-end markets (lots of problems but more income) or would you be happier in upscale areas?
    4. How hands on do you want to be?
  2. What is your experience with real estate investing and what additional skills do you possess?
    1. Education
    2. Real Estate License
    3. Additional training or certificates
    4. Prior work experience that would count
    5. Experience as a real estate investor
      1. Present holdings (types of properties)
      2. Past holdings commercial, fix and flips

Now is the time to look at your talents and experience with a fresh perspective.  Your past is great groundwork for painting yourself as a viable candidate. Quantify and qualify with dates and numbers.

  1. Define your personal team and what makes you the preferred investor with which to work. We often take these relationships for granted.  Potential investors are looking for someone who is running their venture as a business which means they have a plan, a system and the needed people in place to find deals, bring them to the table and get them closed and make money.


  1. CPA – one who has knowledge of real estate holdings
  2. Lender
  3. Insurance
  4. Title Company
  5. Real Estate Attorney
  6. Property Manager – does vetting and showing
  7. General Contractor
  8. Handyman/maintenance


  1. What is your history of performance?
    1. Ratios of return on investment
    2. Number of doors in your portfolio
    3. Access to business line of credit

Time invested in answering these questions will give you the tools to put a professional presentation together which will make you prepared to do business with others.  The business growth you will gain will inspire you to new heights in your own eyes as well.

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