
Feel Good with Essential Emotions

  • by Heather Wiegering
  • 2 Years ago
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Feel Good with Essential Emotions

Would you want to feel good more often? Fabulous! You can. Let’s get started.   

Dr. Candace Pert famously shared “Feelings are really chemicals that can help or hurt.” The more we understand these chemicals and how they communicate, the more we become friends with our emotions.

In order to better understand emotions, let’s imagine we have 3 Brains, that’s right – 3 BRAINS.

These brains are the Mind, the Heart and the Gut. They are the 3 amigos in constant communication and gate keepers of information. Our job is to help them to openly communicate and stay best friends with each other.

When the mind, heart and gut are in synch, we may experience a sense of happiness, love, peace and joy. When they are in disharmony, we may experience a sense of lack, confusion, fear, anger or sadness.

What are the 3 Brains?

  1. MIND. The mind represents the voice of logic and intellect. Over 90% of our choices are directed by the subconscious. This means we need to take more time to listen and pause before taking action or reacting.
  2. HEART. The heart represents the voice of intuition. It is believed there are more neuropathways from the heart to the brain, than from the brain to the heart.
  3. GUT. The voice of ‘gut feelings’. The gut produces 90% of the body’s feel-good chemicals, called serotonin.

Why do the 3 Brains Matter?

The more the 3 brains connect, the more you can feel good. This is because our body is made of amazing, highly intelligent cells that are constantly trying to keep us at our peak health and restoring wellness.

What to Do?

Help the 3 Brains connect and feel good. Do the following:

  • For the MIND = CHEER essential oil. Try 1 drop behind both ears.
  • For the HEART = WHISPER essential oil. Try 1 drop over the heart.
  • For the GUT = BALANCE essential oil. Try 1 drop in the belly button.

Good News! The more we learn about the 3 Brains and how they impact our lives, the more we can positively impact our life, health and success.

Ready for more on essential oils? Check out HeatherMcKinney.com for free recipes, my blog, library of resources and more. Come try oils at wholesale and enjoy them even more. Email me at spreadoils@gmail.com, and join me online at facebook.com/SpreadOils. Let’s connect about essential oils and ways to feel good, naturally.

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