
Essential Oils – Not all are created equal!

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
  • Comments Off
Essential Oils

I love my essential oils and supplements.  I know their source, have visited the farms and have seen their distillation process.  Often, people believe all products are created equal – not true!  It is important that you investigate the source of your products.  Many essential oils are thinned with adulterants or other synthetics but still labeled as “Pure” and this is ok by our laws.  If 5-10% of the essential oil product is pure, then the label can read “Pure” Essential Oil.

Also, do not be fooled by companies that use the words, therapeutic grade, certified grade, clinical grade or other grading – there is no such grading system in the US.  This is all marketing.  Again know your source.

There is a big movement in our country regarding our food and knowing the source.  Many refer to this as Farm to Table.  I believe this is something we should apply to our essential oils, supplements, and personal care products – anything we put in or on our body.  From the Farm to Your Body!

Oils and supplements should be part of an entire health and wellness plan.  Here are some tips:

If you put oils on a stressed-out body, you are wasting your oils.  Look at the stressor and how to bring balance to the entire body.

If you are using an oil or supplement every day, the body may become used to the effect and you may not experience the full benefits.  Many experts suggest that we give our body a rest from doing something every day even if over a weekend.  Or, mix it up – so to speak – use a different oil or add another oil to your plan to change the effect on your system.

Do not use your essential oils over areas of medication or lotions – there may be skin reactions with the chemicals found in these products.

Do not take your supplements at the same time as any medications.  We do not know the interactions of medications and supplements.  So space them out – maybe medications before breakfast and supplements after breakfast.

I look forward to helping you on your wellness journey.  Contact me now to save 10% off your session.

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