
Entrepreneurs That Shift Their Mindset, Soar to Success

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Pat Altvater

Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so. (An adaptation from Shakespeare’s Hamlet)

I’ve had business colleagues tell me, “I can’t sell my own products or services.” Why? Because they think people will say no, which they perceive as a personal rejection. Or they say, “I’m just not good on video…” or some variation of that. Why? Because they believe people will judge them, which again, to them, seems like a personal rejection.

These people hold themselves back from the success that could be theirs due to their thinking. And the reality is when you think something, it actually becomes the truth and people act the way you are expecting them to. And then the businessperson says, “see, I can’t do it!” A vicious cycle.

However, it’s my opinion, if they thought differently, they would have an entirely different experience. It requires a shift in mindset and inner work to discover why those deep beliefs about rejection exist. Once done, when the limiting thought creeps in, they can start by replacing the thought with a new one that better serves them; for example, “I’m just not good on video…” becomes “I love to do video because I know my prospects and clients appreciate the knowledge I am sharing.”

Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so. Make it all good so you can soar to success!

Wishing you a great month ahead. Enjoy the articles in this issue and be sure to take advantage of the links for further information.

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