
Can Your IT Company Lead You To The Cloud?

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Can Your IT Company Lead You To The Cloud?

Last week, CPU was fortunate to attend a two-day workshop in Vancouver, Canada.


Because of that thing we hear over and over again. You know the one, that you need to take time to “work on your business”, versus “working in it”.

We’ve all heard that a few times now, right?

One of the guest speakers at the workshop was David Whittier, an LCol in the Canadian military. We were lucky enough to learn some interesting tidbits of information and knowledge from David’s 30 or so years in uniform.

Like many of our businesses, the military hasn’t mastered leadership and they continue to invest in educating their ranks, from Privates to Generals, on the art of leadership.  This is something that everyone can learn more about.

This got us thinking about IT companies and how they help their clients make the move to the cloud.  Some of our colleagues just tell them, “this is the way it is going to be” – somewhat of a cloud dictatorship.  But on the other hand, some of our colleagues are timid when it comes to the cloud; they sit back and wait for their clients to bring up the subject.  But that’s not how CPU operates.

David etched a crystal-clear image of leadership in our minds.  Using 9 different examples from some of our favorite movies, we learned lots from David about the art of leadership. Particularly, how it helps us to educate customers, clients, partners and others on something like the cloud, which requires real leadership to handle effectively.

The CPU approach is what we like to think of as “cloud collaboration”.  We’d rather sit down with a business professional “owner or manager” and learn what their business objectives are. With that knowledge and context, we then consider whether the cloud makes sense.

Based on organizational objectives, some situations are perfect for a complete cloud service. On the other hand, some, although rare, are an immediate no-fit for the cloud. But the vast majority are ready for some combination of complete cloud and a hybrid cloud solution.

No matter what the situation is, it takes a cloud leader to sit down with a business professional and help them determine what cloud solution, if any, makes sense for them. CPU also accomplishes this with our partners, which is just one way in which we work hard to be a leader in the cloud space.

By the way – “leader” doesn’t mean “top-ranked on some IT business directory”.  For CPU, being a leader means that our clients and customers see us as their trusted cloud service provider that’s focused on serving their needs.

Is your current IT company or cloud provider leading you towards the cloud?

If you need a second opinion or a first time sit down to see if the cloud makes sense for your organization, contact CPU through our website at cloudservicesformsps.com.


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