
Save A Tree, Hug A Cloud

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
  • Comments Off
cloud services are green

The cloud has so many advantages to offer businesses today – including the capability to go green.

Keeping servers cooled to the optimal temperature is hard at any time of year. No matter what the temperature is outside, maintaining an ideal temperature in the server room is a vital part of onsite infrastructure management. Failure to do so can result in errors, lags, or, at worst, fire hazards.

The costs associated with climate control and server maintenance are some that most business owners pay because they think there’s no other option. Either they keep the servers cool, or they can expect problems with their IT – thanks to cloud technology, that’s no longer the case.

As everybody knows, moving to the cloud offers a long list of benefits to businesses in a range of industries. Easy access to data, improved security, enhanced business continuity capability, etc. However, one of the greatest benefits offered by the cloud is how it allows businesses to become greener by eliminating the need for onsite servers – along with all the environmental and financial costs that come with keeping them cool.

By moving data and apps into the cloud, businesses can clean out server rooms and stop paying year-round to keep them cool. However, those aren’t the only environmental benefits of the cloud, here are a few others:

  • Minimizing The Carbon Footprint. Everyone knows how big a deal Global Warming is in the modern world, but not everyone knows that the cloud can help reduce carbon footprints. By moving IT operations into the cloud, businesses can cut energy use and carbon emissions by up to 90 percent, depending on the size of the company.
  • Comprehensive Dematerialization. The cloud offers a number of ways to substitute virtual options for their conventional equivalents. Whether it’s by storing data and apps offsite in a data center, accessing work at home instead of driving to the office, or by using VoIP and video chat to conduct meetings instead of traveling there in person, businesses can save money and reduce carbon emissions with modern cloud technologies.
  • Reducing Hardware. As already mentioned, one of the key benefits of the cloud is how it allows businesses to get rid of their onsite servers, which cuts costs for storage and cooling. This allows businesses to minimize their office space and go greener when it comes to climate control.

Many of us are concerned about how our actions will impact our environment.  Why not save a tree today and embrace the cloud for your company – our environment will thank you.  If you would like to learn more about to go green with cloud solutions, please contact me and I can help.

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