
Taming Your Thoughts

  • by Joan Washburn
  • 4 Years ago
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Taming Your Thoughts

“I need a break from my own thoughts.”


Do you ever get tired of your thoughts?  I know I sure do!

That’s because your brain generates anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day!

98% of those thoughts are the same thoughts you had yesterday and… 80% of those thoughts are negative thoughts.

No wonder you’re so exhausted!

What really exhausts us are the thoughts we have that we believe to be true about us or a situation when they’re not!

For example, have you ever had the thought that you are a failure at your job?  A lousy parent?  That you just don’t have what it takes to make that dream a reality?

The reason we feel guilty, incompetent and worry is because in some small part of our mind we start to think these things to be true when they are not.  At that moment it can sound like the truth, but really is it?  Is it really true that you’re a failure at your job, a bad parent? NO!

These are just thoughts that are not worth listening to. They are the kind of thoughts that put us in the road to failure.

So what’s generating these kinds of thoughts?

Rick Hanson, PhD, author of Hardwiring Happiness, states that our brain is hardwired with a built-in negativity bias. And he gives some examples that point to this bias.

  • Suppose you got twenty things done today and made one mistake. What’s likely to stick with you as you’re falling asleep? Probably the mistake, even though it was just a small part of your
  • Here’s another example – Let’s say your boss gives you an excellent performance review that contains just one piece of critical feedback in a bucket of praise, what are you’ll likely focus on? That one negative

How do you quiet the voices in your head that have you stuck and spinning as opposed to taking Authentic Action toward that goal or dream?  Here’s how: It’s a proven fact that our brains cannot entertain two different thoughts at the same time.  You cannot think about something that worries you and something for which you are grateful at the same time.  It’s impossible.

QUICK TIP:  When worrying about something, and it’s getting you nowhere, put those thoughts aside and focus on something for which you are grateful right now.  Spend a few moments deep in that heartwarming thought.  If the negative thought creeps back in, gently set it aside and go back to gratitude.   

This article is an excerpt from Joan’s best-selling book, You’re Busy. I Get It. Quick Tips to Accomplish More with Less Stress.  Available on Amazon and at www.joanwashburn.com.

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