
6 Things To Learn From Squirrels In The Road and Nik Wallenda

  • by Pat
  • 6 Years ago
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Yes, you are right, it is a strange title for an article, but there is a very relevant message for business owners and entrepreneurs in that silly title. Let me explain.

It seems that lately I have seen the unfortunate squirrel flattened in the street more than usual. Maybe it is because I have been working on this article in my head for some time and maybe it is because the squirrel does not quite know how to cross the road.

You have seen it. Mr. Squirrel decides to run across the road. Maybe it is the thought of all the nuts buried just 30 feet across the asphalt. He begins to run, and then stops. Maybe he thinks there might be nuts closer on his side of the road without having to risk running across the asphalt gauntlet. Then he returns to the original idea and takes a moment to weigh the risk versus reward and that is when our friend Mr. Squirrel meets Mrs. Michelin, or Mr. Firestone or Mr. Goodyear and that is the end of Mr. Squirrel.

Then there is the story of Nik Wallenda. He, like our dearly departed friend, Mr. Squirrel, likes to cross things. Who knows exactly why, but he and his entire family are famous for it. In contrast to Mr. Squirrel, Nik sets out with a definite plan. He has the contingencies and the what-ifs all planned out in the event there is a wind that blows up just as he hits the midway point, like in his latest crossing of the Grand Canyon. To Nik, there is no such thing as “unexpected.” No matter the circumstance, Nik Wallenda is committed. He sees his plan through from the beginning to the other end of the rope.

Here are the lessons for us as business owners and entrepreneurs:

1. Have a plan that includes strategies for the unexpected.
2. Know exactly what you want so when you get there, you will know for sure you are finished or have arrived.
3. It is far better to commit and stick to your plan allowing for unforeseen circumstances.
4. Once you begin, do not look back but appreciate the ground you have covered and benefit from every step.
5. Do not look down. Keep your eyes fixed on the goals you set out to accomplish from the very beginning. Keep your head up and move forward.
6. Hesitation is the death of squirrels in the road and in business. Get moving.

As the late Jim Rohn said, “You can learn from both the beholds and the bewares. Choose wisely.” Pick the path of Mr. Squirrel and you will be lucky if you make it. Pick the path of Nik Wallenda and you, too, will reach the end of the rope and be ready to step into new opportunities and possibilities.

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