Katherine Burik, partner in The Interview Doctor, Inc. with Dan Toussant,
uses her extensive human resource experience to improve companies’ talent
acquisition process and coaches candidates on career advancement and job
search. Her energetic and interactive speaking engagements tilt at that windmill
of talent acquisition, development and job search techniques. Her 3 book series,
The Job Search Manifesto, is published on Amazon, Apple, and Barnes & Noble.
Connect with Katherine at
The Interview Doctorand on
Watch Ann’s video series
Metrics and Analysis
. Talent
acquisition concepts include
someway of knowing if you are
making progress, driving better
recruitment decisions and
improving the quality of hire.
Talent acquisition core elements
have tactics and activities just
like recruitment. Recruitment
might be the element of talent
acquisition you aremost familiar
with but talent acquisition is the
strategic initiative that makes
your business grow.
Talent acquisition and develop-
ment routinely rates as the top
1 or 2 things CEOs worry about.
We build business plans around
having the right talent in the
right place at the right time to
accomplish business goals!
The Interview Doctor can help
you make the most of your
people assets by going beyond
recruitment to think strategically
about talent in support of your
strategic business plans.
Business Acceleration Strategies