If any of you have taken a hike
in the woods or participated in
a land navigation exercise, you
probablyhada compass available
to help you find your way. You
also might have referenced a
map for guidance through the
terrain. But let’s think about
the compass. A compass only
does one thing, and nothing
else. It points North. Following
a compass reading without the
aid of a map does not take into
account the terrain that you
are traversing. So you need to
determine the direction you are
headed and the best way to get
there. A business is no different.
Smart leaders identify the
direction a business will follow,
but the leader also outlines the
best way to get there.
Stephen Covey describes the
“True North” in our lives as the
guiding principles we embrace
and follow. And, we rely upon
these principles to base our
decisions. In other words, we
create our own unique inner
compass that empowers us to
align our lives and embrace
our values, based on this inner
sense of direction. When
working with leaders looking to
grow their businesses, I always
start with having them identify
their guiding principles. These
core values are an essential
foundation for building their
business’ success.
Your employees need to be
aligned with your organization’s
True North. They need to know
what you believe in. What
your organization’s purpose
is. They need to buy in to that
or they will not be productive
in the organization’s pursuits.
Then, aside from providing the
compass, you need to provide a
road map of how to get where
your organization wants to go.
That becomes the organization’s
operating plan.
But how do you determine
North? How do you determine
your organization’s governing
Using Your Company’s
Compass and Finding
Your True North
By Ann N. Gatty, Ph.D.
Business Acceleration Strategies