
You’re Never Too Old to Pursue Your Life’s Intentions

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Early in my career I had an elderly client come to me for coaching. She wanted to know if I could coach her on something that was very important to her; you’ll be surprised as to what that was.

She wanted to write a book, a written history, something that could be shared and passed on with her family members. One of her Life’s Intentions was to be remembered as a loving historian for her family members.

She loved to write but holding a pencil or pen aggravated her arthritis. She could only write for small periods of time early in the mornings. I asked her if there was someone that could support her in the mornings with her writing. She quickly called her daughter to see if she would be willing. Her daughter immediately said yes and the two of them came up with a strategy that worked for both of them.

Loraine would write for 5 minutes then call her daughter and tell her what she had written and her daughter would then type it up for her.  Several months went by and the day came when Loraine called me and with excitement told me the book was finished and she was inviting her family to her Book Party. Each family member received a book that evening.  They celebrated Loraine’s success and expressed their gratitude for her gift.

Here’s my tip. Like Loraine you’re never too old to be engaged in your life.  It’s the most powerful thing you can do to improve your health and longevity. As they say it’s not the years in your life that count, but the life in your years. And you’re never too old to write a book.

If you’d like to know what your Life’s Intentions are go to my website and you’ll find a Life’s Intentions Inventory you can use to find out.  Until Next Time Go out and Make it Happen.

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