
Your Relationship With Money

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Relationship With Money

Our relationship with money is about much more than simply facts and figures. Let’s take look at what money is all about.

Money kicks up emotions and plays an intimate role in how we view ourselves. We love money, we hate money. We can’t live with it, and we can’t live without it. We worry about it, yet we see that in some way it is a key to the quality of our lives.

You might say how we “do money”, is how we do life. Many of us know people who possess little money comparatively speaking but they seem satisfied with what they have, and we notice that they lead fulfilled happy lives. Conversely, there are others who have a lot of money, but are so worried about it, that their energy and time are consumed obsessing about money. Those are the people that never really feel successful with their money or their life.

To have the relationship you want with money, you must observe your thoughts, actions and beliefs and tell the truth about it. The number one worry most people have is about money. However, most people find it uncomfortable to talk about money.

Depending on your relationship with money, it can be a source of frustration or fulfillment.

What is Money?

According to Joseph Campbell, a well-known teacher and philosopher, money is just congealed energy. It has shape and form, meaning you can hold it in your hand, and it can be passed around. It’s a neutral form of energy, just like electricity, neither good nor bad. We humans are the ones that place the positive or negative connotation on it.

You can use it either effectively or ineffectively. We’ve become a society of people dependent on credit cards and when we use those heavily, we don’t get a sense of spending money until we tally it up at the end of the month and discover how much we have actually spent or potentially, overspent.

Here’s my tip. For the next week pay for everything in cash. Notice what you feel as you do it. Does it shift your relationship with money?

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