
What’s Your January News? Stand out and get some free press!

  • by Melanie Rembrandt
  • 1 Year ago
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What’s Your January News? Stand out and get some free press!

Drat! The holidays are over, and you may feel a little sad that this special time has come to an end.
Well, how would you like to start smiling again with some free publicity for your business?
In fact…
Media Members Want Unique Stories Now!
There is only so much that reporters can share this month regarding New Year’s resolutions, losing weight, getting healthy, dealing with holiday debt, and the usual (yawn!) stories that come out every January.
This means that there is a golden opportunity waiting for you!
With a little research and an interesting and unique story about your business, you can jumpstart January awareness and sales… without spending money!
Start by asking yourself a few questions…
• Who are you going to call?
Where is your audience?
Look online, check customer reviews and discover which television programs, podcasts, blogs, radio shows, newspapers, and other media they are paying attention to right now.
Then, check to see which reporters, bloggers, podcasters, producers, and other media members are publishing stories about your products and services at these venues.
Once you know these answers, you can move onto the next question…
• What will they want to share?
Read what these media members post on a regular basis. Now, create a story that will be exciting for them to cover.
Do you have a unique contest going on for employees?
Does your business offer a new product or service with an interesting benefit people can use right now?
Are you doing something special for your community to help get rid of the “winter doldrums” after the holidays?
What’s that? You don’t have anything going on that’s newsworthy?
Talk to your team and create it! Then, prepare your press release and/or talking points and contact each media member with your news.
Opportunity is Knocking! Answer the Door!
Most entrepreneurs are diving into new initiatives for 2023 and focusing on project details. While this is important, you also need to move publicity to the top of your priority list to take advantage of this media opportunity.
Figure out which media members you want to cover your business, and create a unique and interesting event, activity or benefit that they will find newsworthy for their audience. Then, contact them with your update.
Since January can be a slow time in the media for unique and exciting news, you may just get a feature story in the local press, an interview on the evening news or appear across social media.
Now, wouldn’t that be a nice way to start the new year?!

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