
What Makes You Come Alive?

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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do what you are passionate about

There is much suffering in the world, and we see it daily in the news reports: wars, political conflict, hate crimes, brutality, immigration challenges, global warming and more. None of these complex situations have easy or quick solutions. Our responses to these situations are usually stress-filled, fear responses: anger, anxiety, worry, frustration, resignation, even cynicism.

Unless we develop our own Personal Resilience Plan, we can end up carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders! At the heart of any Resilience Plan is your ability to focus on what is important to you and to be flexible about life and all it brings to our door-step.

The best advice I have for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or anxious about life comes from Howard Thurman, a well-known spiritual advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King.  Dr. Thurman said, “Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it, because what the world needs is people who have come alive”.

Expand your capacity to express yourself and here’s how: “Focus on something you can do to uplift your life.” Ask yourself….  What is it that I care about? What makes my heart sing? Where do I feel joy? What inspires me with zeal and enthusiasm?

My clients have answered these questions in a variety of ways. Some want to travel and meet new people, some want to develop their artistic talents. Some want to learn a new sport; maybe golf, tennis, fly-fishing or even car-racing. Some want to get a different job, others want to start their own business. What is it for you?

As a Resilience Coach, I know that experiencing appreciation and joy, or having enthusiasm for something bigger than yourself improves mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. When you follow your passion and actively do things that make you feel enthusiastic and accomplished, you align with Your True North.

My name is Penny Kowal. I am a Resilience Coach. Let’s have a conversation about your personal Plan for Resilience.  I have tools, techniques and even some technology that will help you create a life you will love to live. Contact me at docpenny@cox.net today.

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