
Volunteering Elevates Engagement

  • by Lisa Ryan
  • 3 Years ago
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Volunteering Elevates Engagement

There is more to volunteering than the “feel good” response that comes from giving back. According to a study by Cone Communications, 74% of employees feel more fulfilled at their job when they are given opportunities to make a positive impact on social or environmental issues. The percentage for Millennials is even higher – at 88%.

Companies that have an employee volunteer program experience more benefits that just the morale boost that it gives their employees. When employees are happy, they are more productive. When your team members feel good about the mission of their organization, they work harder and take pride in their company.

Volunteer programs help employees in a number of ways: they get to know each other, they feel good about taking social responsibility, and it gives them skills in communicating more effectively, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Organizations also benefit from offering volunteer programs. When companies celebrate volunteering and encourage their employees to be more active in various social causes, they attract better employees who are more likely to stay – reducing turnover costs. Active volunteers have the ability to move into leadership roles more easily as volunteering helps them develop new skills.

The small amount of time that companies give to their employees to volunteer outside the workplace has huge benefits for everyone involved.

Here are three reasons you may want to consider giving your employees service opportunities outside of work:

  1. Creates a sense of community. When you pair your company values with related charitable causes, you demonstrate that you genuinely care about a greater mission. Your employees notice – and so do your customers.
  2. Builds relationships. You can use volunteer opportunities for positive team building. As your employees work together for a cause, they build strong relationships and social networks, making it less likely they will quit.
  3. Enhances skills. Working on projects outside of the office gives your team members the opportunity to practice leadership, problem-solving, communication, interpersonal and time-management skills.

A well-executed employee volunteer program can serve as the tipping point for a candidate interested in your company versus another organization that doesn’t give back to their community.

Whether you take time off once a quarter or once a year to participate in a charitable project, why not give your employees the gift that keeps giving – their time and effort to serve a cause greater than themselves. You’ll see the difference – both inside and outside of your workplace.


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