
Through Meditation, Mindfulness & Life Without Limits David Sandercott Can Help You Soar to Success

  • by Pat
  • 4 Years ago
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David Sandercott

Spiritual and Business Coach, David Sandercott uses a combination of techniques including meditation, letting go, and contemplative journaling to help his clients return to peace and happiness so they can live a life without limits.

According to David, “People are always looking for love, peace and freedom in the wrong place. I help them find harmony within themselves, where it was hiding all along.” 

Many times, people hide their feelings, afraid to let others see the hurt, shame, anger or even contempt, we all carry around inside. Like a snowball, these negative feelings can continue to grow over time and create sadness, depression and even lead to illness.

We laughed when David told us, “Sometimes you just have to let that shit go!” But it’s so true, isn’t it?

Everyone has to make time for themselves to clear their mind. Like a cluttered closet, you first have to clear out the old, to make room for new possibilities.

David tells his students that one of the keys of getting started is taking time to truly feel your feelings.

“There’s nothing you have to do, nowhere you have to go. You don’t have to change yourself, you’re perfect the way you are. You just need to feel your feelings.”

Through David’s programs, retreats and book, he helps his students find their true passions and guides them to follow their dreams and live their lives without limits.

Ben Franklin once said, “Most men die at 25 but walk around for 50 years.”

When we are young, we are all filled with dreams and aspirations of the great deeds we will accomplish in our lifetimes. As life goes on, those dreams become hidden in the deep recesses of our soul. Sometimes we take on victim mentality and blame others. David helps his clients take full responsibility for their lives and every single circumstance or thing that’s happening or has happened to them so they can go on to achieve their goals.

One example David shared was with income goals. Let’s say you have a goal to earn $10,000 every month; what if you upped that to $15,000. David suggests you look deep within yourself for the feelings that come up when you say the goal of $15,000. Do you believe you can earn that number?

As a coach, David helps clients ‘let go’ of the various limiting blocks that prevent them from attaining success in their business, as well as, personal lives because it’s his belief that you’ll never outperform your self-image.

“The key to success is neutralizing that feeling deep down in your gut, that prevents you from reaching for more and doing the things necessary to reach higher than you ever dreamed.”

Many times, we are our own worst enemies. We don’t feel we are smart enough, strong enough or have the grit and determination to succeed. David’s coaching includes methods to overcome those negative feelings and find the path to success.

“If you see yourself as not worthy, you’re not going to be able to make the sale. Your clients are buying you, not your product.”

In addition to feelings of inadequacy, the end goal, or result can cause an individual to fail to reach the desired goal. If you are too focused on the goal, each little setback, or hurdle may become so frustrating that the goal seems unattainable.

David believes that we must ‘let go’ of the end result and focus on the journey. Take each problem as it comes and accept it as one more step along the way to the ultimate prize. And always remember to say your goals as what you “or something better.”

Set Yourself Up For Success in 2020

One of the ways to work with David is participating in his virtual Discover Your Power Mastermind where he covers his five steps to getting anything you want, which are:

  1. Get Crystal Clear on the Direction You Are Heading

David works with his clients to determine goals for all aspects of their lives, including professional, personal and spiritual.

  1. Make A Plan and Work Your Plan

His next step is to write down the plan to achieve those goals, by the year, quarter, month, week and day. Everyone knows, even the best plans can come unraveled, but with a basic plan, it is much easier to pivot and adapt to create a new plan.

David practices what he preaches,

“”Every day I wake up, clap my hands, thank god I’m alive and look forward to the day ahead – to working my plan.”

  1. Improve Skills

Next, clients identify one area of their life that if it were improved, could dramatically increase the achievement of success. This could be adding daily meditation to your life or for some people, it might be sales coaching or another skill needed in their business or life.

  1. Optimize Your Physical, Mental and Spiritual Environment

David encourages people to surround themselves with beauty; for example, have an orchid on your desk.

This also means to optimize your social environment, by selecting five people that you want to be like and spend time with them. By changing your centers of influence, you will change.

  1. Master Your Mindset With Meditation And Contemplation

Finally, there’s a focus on meditation. 92% of success is mindset; being able to walk through your fear and have the faith and believe in yourself that it’s going to be okay.

To put everyone in the correct mindset, David recommends a daily meditation that can clear the mind and gain clarity for the tasks at hand.

“In meditation with correct breathing everyone can reach a state of consciousness that allows you to reach within, to find your own feelings and fears to learn from them and release them from creating future blocks to your success.” 

Learn more about David’s program at https://www.davidsandercott.com/discover-your-power-mastermind/.

David Sandercott is also the author of 21 Day Meditation Journey: Connect With Spirit Everyday In A New Way, a life & business coach, and speaker. He is offering a Discover Your Power Coaching Session, which is a $200 value, free for our readers. During this session, he helps the individual get crystal clear on the self-image they have as well as their vision for the year they want to create ahead. Uncovering your hidden blocks that are getting in the way and stopping you from achieving the results you want in your life will also be part of the call. Just go to schedulewithdavid.com.

To also help his clients be successful, he coaches “Life Without Limits” that provides for three mastermind sessions every week to create the life they are seeking.

In his coaching practice, David offers one-on-one coaching, as well as, retreats and other events.

We thoroughly enjoyed our podcast interview with David, you can listen to it on Spreaker. To find out more about David and all of his services, visit his website at: https://www.davidsandercott.com/

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