
The Secret of How Thoughts Become Things

  • by Doug Vermeeren
  • 4 Years ago
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How Thoughts Become Things

We have all heard that thoughts become things. The question that most people struggle with is how do they do this? It is estimated that each day we have more than 70,000 unique thoughts. How do the prominent thoughts become things?

In order for thoughts to develop into reality they must be permitted to develop in the mind. As they develop, they grow and are built upon. If the spark of thought continues to grow, action can result. Action will then bring that thought into reality.

Many of the thoughts that develop in the mind, do not become a reality. Even though they started as powerful ideas, they did not end up as a tangible reality in your life. What happened? What is it that holds us back? What is it that keeps us from creating the reality we are thinking about?

Expectation & Belief

One of the most significant factors that determines our reality are our expectations. What we expect, dictates what we believe could happen and what we believe could happen is the line that all thoughts must pass in order to become action. Taking action on a thought is the way it is translated into reality.

Entitlement is also an overlooked element of expectations. What you feel you are entitled to, or deserve, will dictate your thinking on certain matters.

Entitlement is a mysterious thing. I often encounter people who feel that they have not yet paid the price to have what they want, to be who the really feel they should be, or have the relationships they deserve, because they have not sacrificed what they believe is required. This is a victim mentality and it keeps many from acquiring the reality they truly desire.

Who determines the price you have to pay? That’s right, in the end you do. And until you feel that you are truly worth the reward, often times you can’t bring it into your life. It’s time to rethink things a bit.

If we expect to fail, we will not think in empowering ways. If we want success and to create the life we really want, we have got to expect it. When we expect to succeed, our thoughts become like a magnet directing all our energies to the success of the thought.

So how can we build positive expectations?

Positive and empowering expectations must be built on purpose and ahead of time. They cannot be reactionary. Do inner work to create belief in yourself; use visualization and affirmations to energize your thoughts. Once we begin to expect things to occur in a way which is empowering to us, our thoughts begin to direct our actions to follow that course.

What we expect, our thinking will support.

Expect good things and your thoughts will follow! If your thoughts follow, you will begin to see the fruits of these expectations become a reality in your life.

To learn more on this topic, be on the lookout for our the new movie, How Thoughts Become Things.

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