
Texting vs. Emailing: That Is The Question!

  • by Pat
  • 3 Years ago
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Pat Altvater

When you need to grab a customer’s attention (or prospective client/patient) and get them to take an action, believe it or not, texting has become the most effective channel for doing just that. Are you saying “NO, my prospects won’t want that!”

Maybe it’s time to think again. Text messages, when done correctly with the right technology, can have an up to 98% open rate and get up to a 45% response rate. Compare that to the averages for email: 20% open rate and 6% response rate (if lucky).

When you need to grab a customer’s attention (or prospective client/patient) and get them to take an action, believe it or not, texting has become the most effective channel for doing just that. Are you saying “NO, my prospects won’t want that!”  Maybe it’s time to think again. Text messages, when done correctly with the right technology, can have an up to 98% open rate and get up to a 45% response rate. Compare that to the averages for email: 20% open rate and 6% response rate (if lucky). Texting used to feel too invasive for business transactions. For example, I wouldn’t want to be driving by the pizza parlor and suddenly get a text about a 2 for 1 special they are having. I don’t even know if that happens, but when I first heard about texting by businesses, that’s what came to mind. However, these days, so many conversations occur over text and the reality is, it is a way to build trust with prospects and leads and can be used in the sales cycle from nurturing to following up. Let me know your opinion.Texting used to feel too invasive for business transactions. For example, I wouldn’t want to be driving by the pizza parlor and suddenly get a text about a 2 for 1 special they are having. I don’t even know if that happens, but when I first heard about texting by businesses, that’s what came to mind.

However, these days, so many conversations occur over text and the reality is, it is a way to build trust with prospects and leads and can be used in the sales cycle from nurturing to following up.

Let me know your opinion.

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