
Are You a Thought Leader?

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
  • Comments Off
Pat Altvater

“Thought Leader” is a phrase I hear quite often lately, but what does it mean and can you just label yourself as that?

I believe that thought leadership means providing marketing content that is based on ideas that lead. In other words, putting your unique slant on a topic. It isn’t just cranking out content regularly that’s just a rehash of what’s already out there, especially if it’s generic and lacks original insight.

Being a thought leader means you have strong original ideas that you can offer the world that could come from your unique take on an existing theme, research or interviews that you’ve done, or techniques you’ve implemented that no one else has. Basically, it means you are adding to the wealth of knowledge on your topic.

Is that what you do? Are you a thought leader? If so, I’d like to speak to you for my new TV series on Thought Leadership. Contact me on email.

Wishing you the BEST life has to offer. I hope that the articles in this month’s issue will inspire and motivate you. Don’t forget to take advantage of the links to connect further with our contributors.

Soar to Success Magazine website has a new look, which makes it much easier for you to access all of the magazine’s information. Let me know what you think.

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