
Reinvention Uncensored Pat’s Profiles: Dr. Deitra Hickey

  • by Pat
  • 4 Years ago
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Reinvention Uncensored Pat’s Profiles: Dr. Deitra Hickey

I am excited to share with you the reinvention story of my colleague, Dr. Deitra Hickey.  She started her career as a teacher and is now an acclaimed author and a dynamic motivational speaker.

Watch our interview, where we talk about all of the reinventions that Deitra has experienced in her career. They were all planned, not unintentional, like some people who lose a job or are forced to make a transition. Deitra’s were based out of her desire to do more of what she is passionate about.

There are several things you can learn from Dr. Deitra Hickey by watching this video:

  1. It’s normal to be scared while in the process of reinventing yourself.
  2. If it works, stay with what you are doing and make your new venture a side hustle until you know that it works for your lifestyle and finances.
  3. Welcome and ask for advice.

One thing I especially enjoyed about my interview with Deitra was how she made several small stepping-stone reinventions that ultimately led her to where she is today.

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