
Reinvention Uncensored Pat’s Profiles: Barbara Daniel

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Reinvention Uncensored Pat’s Profiles: Barbara Daniel

I was thrilled when the NAWBO Cleveland Incoming President and Publisher/Editor of The Cleveland Women’s Journal, Barbara Daniel, agreed to share her reinvention story, or I should say, reinvention stories, with you.

Watch our interview, where we talk about how we are constantly reinventing ourselves – it could be career changes or even reinventing our personal lives! You’ll love to hear Barbara’s story of trying to become a police officer early in her career, about going to college at 40, how she came to be the Publisher/Editor of the Cleveland Women’s Journal, and how she had to reinvent herself recently from being a wife to being a widow.

There are several things you can learn from Barbara by watching this video:

  1. It’s important to listen to those inner nudges and the restless feelings you may have. Those are letting you know that it’s time for a change.
  2. You are never too old to do something that feels right to you.
  3. Stand up for what you believe in.

One thing I especially enjoyed about my interview with Barbara was how she emphasized being in touch with our intuition and how we can all do it, but sometimes we forget, in our busyness!

Connect with Barbara at The Cleveland Women’s Journal

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