
Denis Waitley Shares How Thoughts Become Things in New Movie

  • by Pat
  • 4 Years ago
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Denis Waitley

Denis Waitley changes lives; he has impacted millions of people over several decades and continues to do so. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis and served as a naval aviator in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s.

Since that time, he has educated, motivated, challenged and entertained individuals and audiences, providing the tools for people to ‘Soar to Success.’ With over 10 million audio programs sold in 14 different languages, he is one of the most popular voices for personal and career success.  He has 15 best-selling books, including, Seeds of Greatness, Being the Best, and The Winner’s Edge to his credit. His audio album, The Psychology of Winning, is the all-time best-selling program on self-mastery.

Denis studied and counseled winners in every field from Apollo astronauts, to Superbowl champions, as well as, top sales achievers, government leaders and youth groups. During the 80’s, he served as Chairman of Psychology on the U. S. Olympic Committee’s Sports Medicine Council and was responsible for performance enhancement of our U. S. Olympic team.

Denis is a founding director of the National Council on Self Esteem and the President’s Council on Vocational Education. As former President of the International Society for Advanced Education – in collaboration with Dr. Jonas Salk, Dr. Hans Selye, and Dr Joel Elkes – he conducted continuing education programs for physicians in Sarasota, Florida during the 1970s.

In 2006, Waitley was one of the “Law of Attraction” experts interviewed in the popular movie, The Secret.

A new movie, How Thoughts Become Things, is premiering this spring. It is produced by Douglas Vermeeren and also features Waitley, along with other experts, going one step further than The Secret. Denis believes the new movie gives the viewer a deeper understanding of how to put the “Law of Attraction” into action. He said,

“I’m hoping that it gives people something they can bite into and actions they can practice every day to get more of what they want, by giving other people more of what they are looking for, as well.”

Denis feels this new movie will be popular among the general public and make them more aware that everything must start with an image, a thought, feeling, or an idea.

“We all get these ideas and thoughts every day. It’s that Deja vu feeling, “Oh, I was just thinking of you,” that kind of thing. If we will take that creative image, define it and become more specific, it can then be projected to others.”

Dr. Waitley, coming from a scientific point of view, believes that it is the energy between people that makes the “Law of Attraction” work.

“I believe that the ‘Law of Attraction” is enacted by people dealing with each other, not with some mysterious universal vibration out there, but actual connections between people.”

Denis has had extensive experience studying the use and strength of the human mind. After the Vietnam War, he was involved in the rehabilitation of former POW’s returning from Hanoi. He even completed his doctoral thesis on POW’s mental attitude after being by themselves in their cells for so long. Listen to our podcast on Spreaker for more details and examples.

This led to a stint working on mental training for Apollo Program astronauts and later as the Chairman of Psychology for the U.S. Olympic Team.

“I’ve studied how the brain gets habitual on certain thoughts and how it projects those thoughts and how other people react to those thoughts. I’m more of a science-based person with a universal mentality-base. I am practical. I need to have science behind me to feel comfortable about the law of attraction.”

The Movie How Thoughts Become Things is Especially Important Today with COVID-19

We asked Denis about the current COVID-19 outbreak, and how what we will learn in the new movie will help us, and he shared:

“Our thoughts not only invent new products and services they also release a number of chemical reactions in the body that strengthen or weaken our immune systems. What the mind harbors, the body manifests.”

He believes in being prepared for worst case scenarios in life, while realizing that distress, anxiety, panic and fear feed on themselves and tend to make a serious problem a possible self-fulfilling prophecy of despair and doom. Since we become that to which we are most exposed, and always move toward our currently dominant thoughts, he believes we should focus on positive actions, solutions, and proactive safety measures for ourselves, loved ones and others. Denis told us:

“This is why I prefer to remain calm, resilient and confident in trying times. In the worst of times, we need to bring our A game to the arena and be at our very best.

Motivation is linked closely to our expectation of what will happen. Fear causes compulsion and inhibition. Desire, conversely, cause propulsion and ignition.

Since “thoughts become things” it seems prudent to dwell on desired results, rather than the penalties of failure. Preparation is not the same as pandemonium.”

Denis shared his 10 Action Steps for Optimal Optimism … in Challenging Times! with us. You’ll find them in the magazine here.

How Thoughts Become Things, The Movie

Denis had high praise for Doug Vermeeren, the producer of the new movie, How Thoughts Become Things and found him to be very energetic and upbeat. He also encouraged us to check out other movies by Vermeeren, especially The Opus.

Some of the other experts in the movie include Bob Proctor, Douglas Vermeeren, John Demartini, Travis Fox, Marie Diamond, Joe Vitale, Karen Perkins, and John Assaraf.  Learn from them how thoughts can indeed have an effect on your income, relationships, health, spirituality and even your connection to yourself.

How Thoughts Become Things is set to premier in Los Angeles and London. You can get details and find out more information on the website How Thoughts Become Things.

A final thought from Denis,

“The “Law of Attraction” demands that you give your best because you can’t keep it. You must give more in value than you receive in payment. To receive, you must give.  The person you need, to reach your goal, will be attracted to you, because you’re giving value without a condition placed on it. That’s one of the greatest secrets of becoming truly wealthy and truly successful.”

I thoroughly enjoyed my podcast interview with Denis and highly encourage you to listen to it on Spreaker; there is so much fantastic information that we didn’t have room to include in this article.

Also, learn more about the movie How Thoughts Become Things here and watch the trailer there as well.


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