
Perry Marshall Shares How ‘Memos From the Head Office’ Help Business Owners Soar to Success

  • by Pat
  • 3 Years ago
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Perry Marshall ‘Memos From the Head Office’

As an engineer, Perry Marshall was a bona fide geek, dark rimmed glasses, a pocket protector and calculator kind of guy. Back in 2003 he read Richard Koch’s book The 80/20 Principle and realized that 80/20 was way bigger than he realized; Perry realized it was a math formula and started trying to work it out.

This one Friday while obsessing over what he was missing with the formula, he was also thinking about how he’d like to give back. He had done something that had produced a bunch of cash and he wanted to help with a humanitarian project in Mozambique.

That Friday evening, he attended a music event at church. While caught up in his thoughts, he suddenly noticed a woman making a beeline for him. She was a woman he had never seen before, who was attending the event with a friend.  She said, “Hi, my name is Vivian, and the Lord gave me a word for you.”

“The Lord told me that you’re very good at math, keep working on the equation, formula, or invention, and you will figure it out. Just keep working on it, you’re going to figure it out.”

The interaction was quite astonishing and nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He had told no one what he had been contemplating all day and no one knew his dilemma.

As she turned to walk away, she looked back and said,

“Oh, he told me something else. You want to support missions, and God is going to bless your business so you can support missions.”

This interaction completely blew him away. The mathematical odds of her picking him out of the crowd and knowing exactly what he was struggling with were completely off the charts.

She added, “He knows,” as she walked away.

Perry realized that he definitely needed to continue to work on the math formula and even as he began to scale back his workload, his business continued to grow exponentially. He began to receive invitations to speak around the world.

As most people know, speakers make more money from selling books and services at a speaking engagement. Perry realized he needed something to sell. He created, The Definitive Guide to Google AdWords right as affiliate marketing and Google became the buzz word for business.

As his business continued to succeed and his contacts with businesspeople continued to grow, Perry had an idea to set up monthly memos sessions for his clientele to help offer encouragement and insights. Memos from the Head Office are what Perry calls these messages from the universe, the muse, the higher power, the Holy Spirit, whatever name you choose to call it. It was ten years since he first met Vivian, but he found her, they became friends, and she was instrumental in setting up those early memos sessions. These became so successful, that he now holds 11 memos sessions every month. Each person that attends receives a memo from the head office, delivered from someone who knows nothing about the person The success stories from these sessions were awe inspiring and led him to write his current book, Memos From the Head Office.

Throughout his life, Perry has learned to be open to messages from unusual sources. The message he received from Vivian in his church years before confirmed that he was on the right path and reinforced his conviction. He sincerely believes everyone has the ability to attract and hear messages that will be beneficial to them if they are just open to receiving them.

“I want people to know that there’s a path to help develop listening ability. When you awake don’t turn on CNN, don’t scroll through Facebook, don’t start texting friends, and don’t browse your email. Get a pen and paper and write. Don’t write anything in particular, simply listen, and start. It may be jibberish at first, but that’s okay. If you had a dream during the night, write it down. Ask questions and listen for answers. It may take a day, a week, a month, or longer, but if you’re listening, and open, the memos will come.”

Perry partnered with John Fancher to compile the experiences he learned about into the book Memos From the Head Office.  It took three years and countless hours of interviews with the 30 people to complete the book, which only strengthened his belief that everyone has the ability to receive messages.

“When it’s the 26th of the month and there is payroll to meet and bills to pay, don’t bang the phones and send more emails. Find a quiet spot, calm your mind and listen for guidance.”

The book contains real stories from real people with concrete verifiable facts. Many stories had to be cut from the book because it would have become too large and cumbersome. It is a not a religious tome. Everyone, whatever their beliefs, or lack of, can benefit from the ideas and strategies laid out in these pages.

“There are very few business books, if any, that give credit that the best ideas in the world come from sitting and listening. Few if any business authors would dare write that their success was not carefully planned or strategized. The ideas just happened because you were listening and open to the message.”

In the book, Perry also stresses that these messages are only valuable if you act on them.

“If you receive a message, another businessperson may be receiving it as well. If you do not take action to put it in motion, someone else will possibly make millions of dollars, when you could have beaten them to it.”

Anyone who visits, PerryMarshall.com/memos can click on the link to receive three chapters of the book and will also be added to the email list to receive more amazing offers.

Perry Marshall understands the importance of listening for messages and has acted on them to Soar to Success. He shares strategies that can help anyone become open to receive the “Memos From the Head Office,” that can positively change their lives. Oh, and by the way, he did figure out that math equation and it was later published in the Harvard Business Review.


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