
How to Write a Professional Bio

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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Writing Professional Bio

Writing Professional BioA Professional Bio is a brief overview of your professional accomplishments. The purpose is to position yourself as a leader, authority or expert. While resumes are long and dull, bios are very short, very direct, and hopefully very interesting. Unlike a resume, a bio always includes a professional photo and can be as colorful and attention-getting as you like.

It’s important to have a professional bio prepared and ready when you need it, so you’re not scrambling whenever an opportunity arises. This is the simple formula that I use to create a bio for every one of my clients. We begin by completing three simple sentences:
1. Beth Caldwell is _________.
2. She works with/helps her clients/offers_________.
3. Learn more here__________.

Here is an example:
Beth Caldwell is an influential speaker and motivator.
She speaks to women audiences worldwide about leadership and personal development.
See her videos and books online at www.Beth-Caldwell.com.

Most people make their bios too long, complicated and confusing. Avoid doing that. When you’re writing your bio, imagine that a TV or radio announcer is reading it aloud. You want the audience to lean in and listen, not switch the station.

A lot of people have trouble writing their bio. If that is you, I suggest that you find a friend that also needs a bio and help each other. Schedule two hours and spend one hour on each of you. For more help, look for my resource guide called The Professional Women’s Guide to Writing Your Bio. Its available as an instant download on Amazon.com.

Once you have your bio written, don’t be afraid to share it. Use your professional bio to apply for board positions, award applications, speaking engagements, for your professional membership and social media profiles, and for any articles that you write. Your bio can also be used as an introduction when you’re speaking or when you are featured in the media.

I look forward to reading about you very soon. Remember, whenever you step out of your comfort zone, you’re influencing others to do the same.

Read How to Write a Professional Bio and the other informative articles in this issue of Soar to Success magazine.

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