

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
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Be confidentHere are 10 keys to being confident and empowered.

1. PRACTICE SELF CARE. The body is the temple of the soul. Take your vitamins, exercise and get plenty of rest. Have some fun as well as this is what puts an engaging sparkle in your eye

2. LEARN TO ACCEPT A COMPLIMENT. As the new you emerges, you may start to hear many compliments. They genuinely embarrass many women. Develop the confidence to accept a compliment graciously and it will empower you!

3. LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYE. Part of building a supportive team or finding financing or a mentor is to establish personal contact with them. Always look people in the eye when you are speaking to them and especially when you are trying to engage them in being involved in your idea or dream.

4. READ INSPIRATIONAL MATERIAL. Select carefully what you choose to fill your brain with. Stay away from negative books and instead choose self-help or inspirational material that positively reinforces a good attitude and that can help you manifest your goals.

5. ALWAYS FOLLOW THROUGH. Do it! Don’t talk about it. If you start an action, complete it. This goes a great way towards building your own self-confidence as well as building other’s trust in you.

6. ALIGN YOUR HEART WITH YOUR WILL. Powerful people have an inner peace and knowing that what they do always “sits right” with them. They never do anything that seems wrong, nor do they stoop to conquer.

7. BE AN INSPIRATION. Powerful people are charismatic and pillars of the community. Set a good example in all that you say and do and many will be willing to support your aspirations.

8. GET INVOLVED IN THE COMMUNITY. Powerful individuals devote back at least ten percent of their money or time back into good causes. Not only does this take the focus off of themselves and their own problems but it creates a good reputation and is a source of personal inspiration and motivation.

9. LEARN TO SAY NO. Every time someone asks you to do something for them, it takes away from your energy. Don’t let others stress you out with their demands. This creates respect.

10. DO WHAT YOU LOVE AND THE MONEY WILL COME. Everybody was put on this earth for a specific reason. Decide what it is that will fulfill you, not just intellectually but also on a deep level in your heart and soul. Having the faith in you to do this is true personal power!

For more information, visit my website at DeLores Pressley.

Read HOW TO BE CONFIDENT AND EMPOWERED  and the other informative articles in this issue of Soar to Success magazine.

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