
Hey You…Get Off Of My Cloud

  • by Pat
  • 5 Years ago
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Cloud Computing

The other day I was driving in my car and heard the Rolling Stones’ song “Hey, You, Get Off Of My Cloud.”  It got me thinking…What did Mick Jagger know about “The Cloud” back in the 60s and 70s?

Maybe Mick knew the potential pitfalls of public cloud services like Gmail, Dropbox and others. Perhaps he knew that the Cloud brings huge opportunities to small businesses and allows them to compete on a global stage with their largest competitors.

So, why was Mick Jagger telling everyone to get off his cloud?  Well, it’s easy to sum up… Security.

In the world of cloud computing, multi-tenant, public cloud services can present a major security risk.

Some small businesses start out using a public cloud.  But, as your organization grows and brings on more team members, wins more opportunities and surpasses revenue expectations…it’s time to get off that public cloud and move to a more secure, customizable private cloud service.

Why Do You Need Private A Cloud?

Private Clouds are just that… Private.

No one else but your authorized users are on your server.  Unlike Microsoft Office 365 or Google’s Gmail which are shared across all their clients, your mail server that’s hosted in your Private Cloud is exactly that…Yours.  No one else can use it.

With a private cloud service, you control who has access to what, not someone on the other side of the world that you don’t know.  You’re in control of its privacy and access.  Plus, private clouds are necessary for compliant-based businesses like healthcare, law and finance.

Another benefit is just knowing that your resources will be available when you need them.  Resource availability is one of the largest drivers for why companies move from public cloud services to their own private clouds.

Why Do You Need A Cloud Migration Expert?

Making the move from a public to private cloud isn’t easy.  A cloud migration from Microsoft Office 365 to your own cloud Exchange Server requires careful planning to pull off.

There are many reasons why you need a migration expert. Without one:

  • You could lose important files if they aren’t migrated properly.
  • The migration could take longer than you expected, resulting in downtime where your staff can’t work.
  • Once it finally gets installed and launched, you may find that your platform is complicated and difficult for your staff to learn.

What’s the Answer?

This is where my team at CPU comes in. We have years of experience and success providing private cloud services. And you’ll find that being “On the Cloud” is a great place to be with CPU. Learn more at cloudservicesformsps.com.


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