
Give to Remember

  • by Pat
  • 7 Years ago
  • Comments Off
Circle of Light

When you give, you re-member. When you add to the flow of God’s abundance, you re-member. You re-member that you are part of God. You re-member that you were born divine and are still divine.”
~ Rochelle Forrest

When we are running on the treadmill of life, we end up feeling burnout which brings life to a HALT (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired). When we feel like our light is burnt out and we’ve come to a HALT, it seems impossible that we have anything left to give. But actually, that’s a very important time to be generous and giving as a way of re-membering you are a part of God and forever connected with God’s infinite abundance and goodness! In other words, giving is a guaranteed way to reignite your inner light!

Now, let’s be clear. Authentic giving isn’t about how much you give and it’s not about getting recognition or praise for what you’ve given, nor is it even about understanding precisely how your generosity impacts others. The real magic is simply in the act of giving itself, by your intention to support life through your own abundant generosity. And chances are you have much more to give than you realize. After all, sometimes a smile or a hug is by far the greatest act of generosity and compassion in any situation.

Is it time to re-frame and rewrite your story around giving. Re-framing giving will free you up to try some generosity experiments of your own.

In giving freely, with no strings attached, you will further remember that you are part of God and forever connected to God’s everlasting supply. Moreover, you’ll develop faith that your acts of generosity are serving the world in ways you may never fully comprehend.

So give to re-member… and remember to give!

As you seek to be an example of God’s Love, you will never really know the effect you have. Your kindness may have a lasting impact you will never realize.”

Please join our Facebook Group called Circle of Light. Each month we focus on a way that we can be generous, a Philanthropist, without having a big fat wallet! In January we gave our talents; go read all the wonderful ways people shared their talent.

You can also go to my website to download the checklist with ideas for giving.

Read Give to Remember  and the other informative articles in this issue of Soar to Success magazine.

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