
Create Power from Your Pain

  • by Pat
  • 8 Years ago
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Rochelle Forrest Power from Pain

Your experiences, no matter how seemingly painful or disturbing, have been perfect and given to you to create the life plan that you need. All of our experiences have been perfect for our life plan.

Sometimes things happen in life that are painful. Very painful. And often it is only in hindsight (usually years later) that we can see any perfection in those situations. Yet, if we are each part of the whole~~despite being cut off in our minds~ then that whole cares about you and is working to bring you exactly what you need to do your part.

If you can see your experiences (especially challenging ones) as a gift from the greater whole, then you aren’t cut off at all. You can begin to catch a glimpse of the perfection that exists in every moment, and to understand that your life lessons bring you exactly what you need to fulfill your purpose.

For your consideration: I always say. “Your experiences form and inform you, so what you learning? How are you being shaped? Could you really have been formed and informed without all your experiences? Both good and bad? Think about that for a moment.

As we open the possibility that perfection is always present~ even in pain~ we free ourselves from the need to suffer through life. What is present is presented for our growth and evolution, for our highest good. Opening to this sense of perfection is like opening a door toward re-membering our loving God/source.

Here’s what you can do: Make a list of 3 major life challenges you have faced. Now take a deep breath and see how you learned and have grown from each of these life events. Do you see any gifts you received? What things happened as a result?

Next time something happens that you view as painful, shift your thoughts to your list and remember that whatever the situation, something good is coming! If I can be of service to you, email me.

Read Create Power from Your Pain and the other informative articles in this issue of Soar to Success magazine.


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